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2007 Recent Articles


South African drops 35 lbs with "white elephant" and TRN

Hello my friend:

You know what I love about the success stories that people send
us is that they aren't the typical "I'm GOING to love your
product" garbage that you see on most websites where no one is
actually getting any real benefit worth RAVING over.

And that reminds me...

There is even a website selling some kind of training where the
scumbag, get this... copied a bunch of our success stories and
put them on their site, replacing our product names with their


I guess I'm flattered to be the place that crooks go to steal
testimonials.  Pfffft.

Being honest is one of the most valuable and honorable traits a
person can have.  It's so easy to stand out when you do things
the right way and have integrity...

THIS success story below was sent to me directly from my client.

I guess lying, cheating and stealing just isn't my bag, baby.

Anyhoooo, you are going to LOVE today's REAL success:



I had become the average, sedentary, middle-aged male.  I was
47 years old, 176cm tall (5ft 9.25in), I weighed 97.6Kg (215
lbs) and had a whopping 31.6% body fat percentage.  I took no
exercise and ate lots of junk food.

Many times before, I had started a diet and some form of
exercise routine, but none of them lasted much longer than three
months.  Subsequently, I gained all the weight back and then
some.  It was very clear to me that "dieting" was not the
solution, and that it was not going to be quick or easy to reach
my wellness/fitness goals.  I even wondered if it were possible.

I knew I needed to change my lifestyle completely, but I didn't
know how.  I had read several self-help and motivational books,
as well as many diet and nutrition books.  They all tell you what
to do, but not how to do it.  This was what I kept searching
for.  I searched the Internet and came up with a lot of
information similar to what I saw in the books. 

Finally I came across your website.  "Think Right Now"
immediately drew my attention. I bought I Love Exercising Now,
Eating for Excellent Health Now, and I Am Healed Now

I decided to break down my quest for wellness/fitness into
three phases -
Phase One: I Love Exercising Now
Phase Two: Eating for Excellent Health Now and
Phase Three: I Am Healed Now

I envisioned that this whole process would take me a year.

After receiving your CD's, I started listening to "I Love Exercising
" CD at least once a day.  I listened to them while in my car
driving back and forth to work.  I also put my CD player next to
my bed so I could listen while going to sleep.

Of course, my wife and my kids were mocking me in the
beginning. "How is it possible that all this "talk" could
actually convince anybody to do anything?"  They continued to
tease me about spending so much time with the "woman on the
tape"  but I just told them "Watch this man now". 

Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.

My stationary electronic exercise bike, also known as the
"White Elephant," was put back into service.  I started with a
ten-minute low resistance training exercise that was extended to
30 minutes per session.  My initial goal was to have 3 to 5
training sessions per week.

During the winter, I was ill.  Everyone was convinced that it
was the end concerning my exercise regime, but it was not.  I
never stopped listening to the CD's during my illness and once I
was well, I got back onto my bike, increasing my exercise time
to 45 minutes per session.  I was able to also increase the
frequency of my exercise sessions to a minimum of four per week
and a max of six.  I also bought your Think Right Now software
for Windows
and promptly installed it on my computer.

Yesterday I took my measurements, and I am down to 81.7Kg (180
lbs), 19.7% body fat. 

I know I will reach my goal weight of 76Kg (168 lbs) very soon,
and it is very clear to me that I did this with the help of your
CD's.  They provided me with the change of thinking I needed
over time to have those accomplishments, and I am not finished
yet!  If you want to accomplish something worthwhile you must be
prepared to work for it. If you make mistakes, rectify them and
move on.  This is a never-ending process.  It is a part of my
life.  It is my life.

Thank You Mike!

Ps: Since my Wife was "forced" to listen to the CD's, she has
also lost a lot of weight and is eating healthier now.  Everybody
is complimenting us on how good we look.

Thanks Again.

Jan Ros, South Africa


M.B. Yup, it's hard to try to improve yourself without getting
laughed at by others.  No one believes anything unless they see
it with their own two eyes.

Well believe this...

You can change just about anything about yourself and your
life.  You don't need patches, powders, pills and potions to
change things about you that you can do with pure mind power.

Think Right Now programs can help you pull the power you
already possess out of you.



Mike Brescia


P.S.  Our current special is for every 3 Think Right Now
programs you get AT THE SAME TIME, you get 1 absolutely fre*e...
as in no charge.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
And remember, double programs count as 2 toward your 3.


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customers, we will reward those who help us!  Send a detailed
success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant
Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio
of your choice.  You only pick up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
immediately. Brilliant!

To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
changes/benefits you received. Please be descriptive of the
benefits. If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com  and tell us your
choice of audio.  We'll then take care of shipping it to you.


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