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2007 Recent Articles

April 30, 2007

What to do if you don't have any advantages

Hello my friend:

I just read an email sent in this weekend by a lady who said
that she bought dozens of self-help and personal development
books and tapes over the last few years from all the known
names, and...

...'none of them worked'.

And I thought about that for awhile.

You see, that is the prevailing belief...

What she REALLY said was that none of the information was any
good, it was false, it was wrong.

And of course, that is absurd.

What she did not say -- but it was most certainly true -- was
that she shelved all of it, didn't read it or at least didn't
apply it, hoping that mere hope and desire would be enough to
make the knowledge leap out of the books and into her head which
would make her do what she needed to do to succeed.

But even if she did read it all and listen to it all, what she
had was merely information.

Hey, if information was all anyone needed to achieve their
biggest goals and dreams, there would be no poverty, there would
be no wars, there would be no failure.

But life is like school in one respect...

In school, everyone gets the same book, is assigned the same
homework by the same teacher and takes the same test.

But only a few will excel.


Because only a few have been programmed with more than a few of
the 22 core mental patterns of success.

Sure, some have more natural abilities, which provide some
advantages in the empowering beliefs and attitudes department,

Some have parents that encourage, support and demand high grades.

Some have friends or relatives who help them.

Some live in neighborhoods that make it easier.

Some have nothing else to do except study...

So how do the people who had NONE of the advantages but still
succeed do it?

The 22 core mental patterns of success I discovered.

Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.

These are the thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and emotional habits
found in the people who are the best of the best at whatever
they do.

These are the patterns that we install using Lozanov's
Suggestopedic Accelerated Learning method.

Know this... If you want to be, do and have more in life and if
you want to enjoy the being, doing and having, you must own the
same core mental patterns as the people who are already doing it.

Read about them at:

These patterns must be conditioned into your mind and body.

You cannot get them from a book, a lecture tape, a seminar,
therapy, pills, powders or patches.

But you can get them from Think Right Now Accelerated Thought &
Behavior Modification Programs.

Get some.  And use them.  And succeed.

I love you all!

Mike Brescia

P.S. I admit that this story brought a tear to my eye...


Oh my goodness Mike, I can't thank you enough!

My friend has been listening to your CD's for over a year now
and I've witnessed the wonderful results she's had.  When my 14-
year-old godson received three F's on his most recent high
school progress report, my ally recognized my desperation and
suggested we order one of your CD's for him.

The day-to-day instability this kid lives with is huge and I
figured any source of help was worth a try (and how much of a
risk is a '6 month guarantee' anyway?).
I talked to my brother about financing this experiment
for his grandson and with much hesitation and reluctance, he

When I presented this young man with the long list from which to
choose his CD, he rolled his eyes and skeptically picked 'I Am
Organized Now!

We immediately ordered it and were blown away when it reached
us just three days later.  As soon as it arrived we began playing
it on the computer he was using to do his homework.  Because of
his grades his CD player had been taken away, but for this
experiment it was given back to him later that day.  Let me tell
you the difference it has made in him OVERNIGHT!

The first change I noticed was when I told him that he would
need to mow our backyard after we returned from running an
errand and he didn't groan his usual response to things.  This is
a fourteen-year-old boy that has been grunting acknowledgments
of questions asked or statements made to him for the past many
months.  Imagine my surprise when he actually spoke in excited,
complete sentences for several hours yesterday.  I'm not sure if
there would have been any way to quiet him down, but I didn't
want to try.  It was so much fun hearing his voice again!

It's very normal for him to give me hugs throughout our time
spent together, but yesterday's were different.  They had great
substance to them.  They were REAL, not just perfunctory.

When I asked him how many times he had listened to the CD, he
counted the one time here, five times before bed, once on his
walk to school and once on his way home.  When I told him I
would be writing this note to you, he asked why.  I recounted
the incidents mentioned above and he beamed as he said,

I rejoiced in telling his grandpa and his uncle that there
hadn't been a single grunt or groan from him all day long, just
wonderful, excited conversation from a boy with a renewed
sparkle in his eyes and smile on his face.

Thank you Mike, so VERY much!


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To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
changes/benefits you received. Please be descriptive of the
benefits. If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com  and tell us your
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