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2007 Recent Articles

April 24, 2007

Get your stuff done in record time - and love doing it

Hello my friend:

I was just looking through a few of the books we have on
eliminating the procrastination habit, on getting things done
now, on feeling the fear and doing it anyway... you know, 'do
the thing you fear most and you will conquer that fear'...?

What is clear is that the people who write about this topic
understand it well, they know of the many things that stop us
from doing the things we should be doing.

If you were to read the best selling books on procrastination,
time management, living a life on purpose, sadly you would have
a 95% chance of still not being able to do the things you fear.

So the fears would still be fears.  And things would still be
piling up.

In all likelihood you would still have the same bad habits and
would still do 99% of the things that prevent you from growing
because they 'feel good' or are 'fun.'

Behavior Modification is different.

It forces (Oh, yes, I know how people hate that word) the
changes on you ... in such a way that you will enjoy it, instead
of fighting it.

By being forced (Oh, there, I did it again) to change what you
believe about a task, job or action... by 're-framing' something
that you hate doing into something you love doing -- because of
the enormous benefits that you couldn't give a crap about today -
- you will do it often or (in the case of giving up a bad habit
or senseless fear), you will never do it.

Become a 'do it now' person in every area of your life.

Learn the new-fangled way here: End Procrastination Now!

I love you all!

Mike Brescia

Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.

P.S. Sound like voodoo?  Dats a goot one!  I agree that
changing behaviors by listening to tapes or CDs or software and
'programming your mind' is definitely not 'old school.'  But we
don't live in the 'old world' any more.  Modern research is
continuing to discover how to tap into our enormous abilities...
abilities that the average person cannot even fathom.  One
important one is most certainly the ability to sweep fear or
indifference aside so you can get done the things you know you
should do and do them quickly... without fear or anxiety.

Like this lady did...

Dear Mike,

 I started using your programs 'End Procrastination Now',
'Financial Abundance Now' and 'I Am Organized Now' 1 month a go.  I use them mostly at night and alternate programs through the week

The results I have been seeing are truly wonderful.  I wake up
with a clear intention for my day and I have a new found
confidence in myself and getting things accomplished.

Here is a great example: I am 31, working mother, 2 kids
(preschooler and kindergartener), I care for my father who has
Alzheimer's disease (he lives with us), I own my own business
and so does my husband etc, etc.  So I am a busy woman (who

Every year I almost dread the holidays because I never know
what to get people, wait until the last minute and feel stressed
out the entire season.  Well not this year--after listening to
both Financial Abundance Now, End Procrastination and the I Am
Organized Now CDs I was compelled to write my list, minimize my
expenses and get it completed.

I am done with everything except my cards and that is because
my children's pictures won't be ready until this week. My house
is decorated and I get to enjoy the season.  It is a wonderful
feeling to not procrastinate my life away and create more stress
for myself.  It was simple and enjoyable!

I see these things popping up in my life all over the place.  At
work I am getting things done in record time and instead of
letting things pile up on my desk, I do it, file it or delegate
it immediately.  I feel like a new person and I like it.

Thank you for a wonderful product and one that is easy to
incorporate into a busy life.

Sherrie Sanchez

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success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant
Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio
of your choice.  You only pick up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
immediately.  Brilliant!

To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
changes/benefits you received.  Please be descriptive of the
benefits.  If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com  and tell us your
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