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I Am Smoke-Free Now!
Success Stories

Hi Mike!

About two years ago, I noticed some problems with my throat and went to an oncologist who arranged for a biopsy to be done on my throat. While I was being prepped for the procedure one of the doctors poked his head in and asked how I was doing. After I told him "fine", he asked if I was still smoking, to which I answered yes. Then he said, with a very serious look on his face, "Philip, you need to put those damn things down!" his face went back to a smile and he wished me luck with the procedure.

The results came back positive for throat cancer, which I was told the two main contributors for were smoking and drinking alcohol. I drank occasionally, hardly ever in fact, but I smoked like a freight train and had for 26 years! I had tried to quit many times in the past but I had always failed, I just didn't seem to have the "umph!" to do it and stick with it. So I decided to try "I Am Smoke Free Now!" I played it on the way to and from work - a 30 minute drive each way. I did this for about a month before I noticed anything major, then I decided that I wanted to also try some nicotine patches to help me quit. I wore the patches and continued to listen to the program. The patches came off in about 3 days and I got very frustrated, but what impressed me the most was that now, where I would have normally started smoking again, I was determined to quit, and quit I did. I've been smoke free for nearly 2 years now and I have no desire whatsoever for cigarettes at all, ever!

After being diagnosed with throat cancer, my doctors decided that they would first give me chemotherapy, and then radiation treatments. Well, I decided to get "I Am Healed Now!" Every time I went in for a chemotherapy treatment I would bring my CD player and listen to the program while I was being given the treatment. Many times I got so relaxed that I would fall asleep during the treatment! When I finished the "chemo" my oncologist had a talk with me to assess my situation and he made the comment "I've never seen anyone do this well on chemotherapy before." He was very pleased with my progress as was I. I also used the program while I was receiving radiation treatments (they were the hardest thing for me) and I believe that the combination of the programs, support and prayers from family and friends, and my faith helped me to get through it all.

All in all, I believe that I used "I Am Healed Now!" for about 3 months while taking "chemo," for 6 weeks during radiation and for about 4 months during my recovery period. It was basically part of my treatment plan to me. At my most recent visit to my radiologist, he ran a scope down my throat and said that he saw absolutely no signs of cancer at all! And he also said that this was impressive because the cancer that had been in my throat was fairly large. I don't want to give the impression that these products make life perfect or anything, but what they've done for me has been to help me to reach my optimum in very difficult situations and to emerge not just a survivor, but feeling like a conqueror. I feel as though the products help me to bring out the best in myself.

I've been using "Setting & Achieving Goals Now!" for about 3 weeks now. Since I've been using this product, my mind is starting to think in more productive ways. I know that it's starting to change my way of thinking, or at least how I look at things, for the better! I've always been a believer when it comes to the limitless possibilities and potential of the human mind, and I feel that your products are the key to unlocking and tapping into that potential. Just like you say Mike, "Just keep hitting that play button". It's not hard you know, if you can just commit to listen every single day, then the tape or CD will do the rest. You don't even have to try to listen, just play it while you sleep - heck, it'll even help put you to sleep! Close your eyes... then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

I want to say, "Thank you Mike to you, and all of your wonderful staff at Think Right Now! You are doing a terrific job and you are changing people's lives for the better, and that's something that we need a whole lot more of in this world. I am forever indebted to you.

Philip Nash, TN

Hi Mike,

I started smoking before I became a teenager and smoked off and on (mostly on) for 37 years. I tried every possible way of quitting smoking - Schick, Smoke Enders, Zyban, Patch, Gum, Lozenge, Hypnosis, Acupuncture - none lasted very long because I still had the "I Am A Smoker" addicted mindset.

After listening to "I Am Smoke Free Now!" for about 30 days - while I slept and whenever I could - in the car, while cooking, while working - and saying out loud every time I lit a cigarette, "I don't smoke," (it's pretty funny to see someone light a cigarette as they are proclaiming that they don't smoke), - I literally believed that I was a non-smoker - BEFORE I QUIT!

I haven't smoked in more than 3 months and haven't had ANY of the side effects normally associated with quitting smoking. I cannot say if my success with this program is usual, I can only say that I am completely satisfied with it and hope the same for everyone who uses it.

Thank you for everything!

Belinda Walker



Hello Mike,

I ordered "I Am Smoke Free Now!" and after smoking on and off since the age of 12 (I am now 46), I can truthfully say, thank you for the work you have done. When I was angry, sad, depressed, lonely, hurt, despondent or just plain me, I would smoke. Now I take in a deep breathe of 'clean' air and feel the satisfaction of the jolt I guess I looked for in a cigarette.

Thank you also for your newsletter. It is so informative and like a good
friend I miss hearing from who seems to call when I least expect it. From childhood, I have suffered from low self esteem and have been a people pleasing, over-achieving machine. My smoking and other bad habits was my way of saying, "I'll show you, I'll hurt me." I will stand up for myself from now on. I will order the programs dealing with self esteem, depression, panic and anxieties since it seems to me that you have the gift.

Reina Ocasio, NY

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I was researching when I came across your site. I quickly read though it and just reading your site made me feel great. I signed up for the e-mail letters, and every time I opened them I felt better. So wanting to test your programs I ordered the "I Am Smoke Free Now!" I have smoked since I was 9 so if the program could help me stop it would prove you were right. I listened to the program not truly wanting to quit. Still I cut down but haven't quit to date yet.

Mike, you're an amazing man.
Thank You.



I was very impressed with your programmes, particularly "I Am Smoke Free Now!", and it has totally changed my life.

I am 52 and stopped smoking after 35 years as a direct result of your programme. I previously tried all ways to stop smoking: acupuncture, patches, gum, etc., but nothing seemed to work.

I had my last cigarette on 14th November, 2002 and can go into pubs, bars and houses where there are smokers and not want one. I have not replaced the nicotine with anything else.

Bill Grant

Dear Mike,

I have been trying to quit smoking for the last 11 years. I tried the patch, the gum, hypnotism, ball bearings in my ears as well as acupuncture and other related smoke free in 30 days or less "guaranteed" to work material. Not one of these has helped me. I have listened to your program every night for a month and am very proud to say I AM A NON-SMOKER! You had given me the want and the drive to accomplish my goal and for that I am very thankful.

My health has benefited immensely and I can now go to exercise class with more breath and stamina; I don't have to be sitting on the side lines catching my breath every ten minutes. THANK YOU so much for offering a tool used to motivate me to quit; one I can use over and over to be sure that I stay with my goal just by listening to your program when I get the urge. Now that I have gotten rid of that "Stupid Stick" my husband even kisses me more. Again, I thank you for giving me my life back.

Gloria Nowak
Thunder Bay, Canada


I am celebrating my first year without smoking! I wanted to quit, that's for sure, but your "I Am Smoke Free" program made the difference. Now I use your program for all kinds of improvements in my life. I am now converting it to help me to be a more loving fulfilled being by adding affirmations related to Buddhism.

Many Thanks, Peace & Joy!
Maggie May

Today is only my fourth day using the program and I am in love. I had tried to quit smoking consistently for the last 6 or 7 years. I would chew the gum or a straw, etc. and the longest time period I quit for was nine months. Now in four days I have managed to cut back from more than a pack a day to only 4 or 5 all day long. Funny thing even those four or five are not enjoyable. As a matter of fact I've found myself stopping half way through and going to brush my teeth. No gum ever did that! The interesting thing is that I have an amazing peace of mind. No quitter's anxiety or tearful episodes. Just the opposite, it's like smoking and the addiction to it has been removed from my mind.

I'm amazed that there are no cravings. I've also used the weight control program with it; so far no weight gain. And I am at peace, with a lot of stress at home and work right now. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Barbara Moran




I have quit smoking!!!!! I have quit many times before but this time is different. I KNOW I HAVE QUIT FOR GOOD. I know we have been taught to never say never, BUT I have listened to this program night after night and I have been cigarette free for almost 3 weeks. I know that is not a long time, but it IS if it has been totally stress free as though you have never smoked!!!! On my job, I walk to the bank & post office every day. I used to suck up as many cigs as I could, but now I strut along, inhale the fresh air deeply and repeat the lines in my CD as to how good it feels to inhale the fresh air etc, etc. It is so weird, but it has been so easy!!!!! I am a 40 year smoker... excuse me... WAS a 40 year smoker, 2 packs + a day.

All I can say is thanks to your program I simply have started thinking right. It has gotten into me, and even though I feel home free, you never know I am compelled to listen each night anyway. You know what else? I have suffered with insomnia for years and this program has also cured that. Also you will NEVER know how much your daily e-mails help on a day to day basis. I am not sure how you feel about GOD, but this lady KNOWS HE is using you mightily!!!!

God Bless you!!!!
Sharon Greene

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I am 45 years old, and started smoking when I was 15. I smoked for 30 years, and was a heavy smoker for most of that time. For the last 10 years or so, I was smoking 2-1/2 to 3 packs a day. For the last couple of years, I've gotten some pretty bad bouts of bronchitis in the winter, usually coupled with a sinus infection. As I'm sure you can imagine it wouldn't take much for me to be short of breath. I work on the second floor at work, and I had to take the elevator or I'd have a coughing fit and would be gasping for air by the time I was at the top of the stairs.

I decided that I would quit smoking. I knew I needed to strengthen my lungs. I had quit once for about 6 months, and I could remember how miserable I was, all the stress and anxiety I felt. I was jittery for 2 weeks and was not pleasant to be around. I struggled not to smoke for the entire 6 months I was smoke-free. It was not a really good experience. Just remembering all this stuff started raising my anxiety level about quitting smoking, but I was determined to quit.

I had ordered and used your "Accelerated Sales Success Now!" program with success about a year and a half ago. I decided to go ahead and order "I Am Smoke Free Now!" to help me. After all, I knew you had a money back guarantee, so I would not be out anything if it didn't work. I also went to my doctor and got a prescription for Zyban, and the doctor told me to use the nicotine lozenges to help with the cravings. I set my quit date, and started to prepare.

I began to listen to the program 3 weeks before my quit date. I just put on the headphones and pushed "play" when I lay down to go to bed at night. I would also listen again if I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. I just listened, and went about my normal business. After listening for about a week, I realized that I wasn't feeling any stress or anxiety about the approaching quit date. Rather, I was feeling pretty confident about it, and was actually looking forward to it. What a surprise that was! After about a week and a half, my wife pointed out that I was smoking less at home. This happened so naturally that I didn't even realize I was smoking less. I was not having any cravings at all.

By the time I was 2 and a half weeks into it, I had cut down from 3 packs a day to less than 1 pack a day. Again, this was without effort or cravings. I just found myself not wanting to smoke as much. Honestly, at this point I could have quit. But I decided to go ahead and keep to my quit date. As weird as this may sound, I was relieved when I smoked my last cigarette the night before I quit. I realized that I was tired of it. I woke up feeling pretty good on the morning of my quit date. There were a couple of times during the day that I wasn't sure what to do with my hands, but I had no cravings for a cigarette.

In fact, to this day I have not used the Zyban or the nicotine replacement lozenges. I just have not felt the need to use them. I have become a non-smoker using only the "I Am Smoke Free Now!" program. I've been surprised that quitting smoking was much easier than I thought it would be. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to quit smoking without suffering from withdrawals or cravings.

At this point, it's been almost 2 weeks since I quit. I realize that 2 weeks as a non-smoker is a long way from 30 years as a smoker. But I can tell you that I am done smoking. I feel like a non-smoker. I can't explain it, but I know that I will not put another cigarette to my lips. Ever. It's that simple.

I realize that this sounds melodramatic, but thank you for giving me these wonderful tools. I can feel my life changing, and I could not have done it without you.

Brian Van Winkle, IL


Hi, Mike!

I'm writing to you to tell you how your "I Am Smoke-Free Now!" program has helped me to finally conquer and kick my smoking addiction forever! I am no longer powerless to the curse of that addiction, and I thank you and your programs immensely for helping me defeat the grip of the nicotine monster!

At first, I must confess, it was kind of touch-'n-go as I'd only listen to the program sporadically, not consistently as directed. And so, I was only able to "temporarily" cease from smoking for a weekend, or a week or two at a time, for example. That's because I was not yet fully committed to the whole program. After several missed attempts, I had found the key. I had realized I had to listen to the program each and every time I felt a "craving" surging over me, paralleled alongside the initial program recommendations. It had been extremely difficult for me to completely stop a 32 year old, 3-pack-a-day negative habit, and so it called for extreme measures.

So, in addition to the program, I had ordered Think Right Now! for Windows software immediately, believing it would allow me both auditory, as well as, visual reinforcement! In retrospect, for me personally, it was a matter of double barrels, if you will. My success equation was: the desire, determination, consistent focus AND the effortless re-conditioning working simultaneously! Then, yes...I was well on my way!

I am delighted to report the programs worked their claims and I am now smoke-free, much healthier, and quite a bit more productive than ever before! Additionally, I no longer worry about imparting a nasty cigarette-smoking habit upon my two adolescent children! I've broken the generational curse in this family...It's a powerful feeling!
[Incidentally, as a reward the three of us are planning a vacation this winter with the money I "used to" spend on cigarettes!!!]

Thank you a hundredfold, Mike, for making your programs accessible and affordable. Bless you!

Kathleen S. Snyder, Texas

I bought the "I Am Smoke Free Now!" program as a gift for my mother some weeks ago, because she wanted to smoke less. I am glad to support her in smoking less, as I hated the white clouds of cigarette smoke that have been hurting my nose and made me feel sick whenever I visited her at her office.

When I gave her the program she said she was not really interested in hypnosis, but she would give the whole thing a try. So at first she listened consciously to the CD, then she played it quietly in her office during the day, and voilà, a miracle happened. Gradually she decreased her smoking habit from day to day and week to week.

She already went from 1 - 2 packs a day, to 3 - 5 cigarettes a day, and somehow is in a much better mood than she was before. Her skin also has a healthier complexion, she can breathe more freely, stopped coughing every morning, and is physically in better shape now. I enjoy visiting her much more in her office now, as do many of her customers who also enjoy the cleaner air in her office.

To make a long story short: Your "I Am Smoke Free Now!" program is great. It turned an addict like my mother who smoked 1 - 2 packs a day for more than 30 years into a happier woman who did not have to battle her smoking habit the hard way, but who says, "I just listen to the program, and somehow I do not want to smoke any more. I somehow magically seem to forget to smoke."

That is something Mr. Mike Brescia deserves a big pat on the back and a lot of applause for. Well done!

Have a nice day,
Barbara Chinwuba

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Have been using "I Am Smoke Free Now!" for 2 weeks and have cut down cigarettes from 2 packs a day to 1/2 pack per day. I'm a little surprised because I've been smoking for 35 years and nothing has ever worked for me (patches, whatever). I think that this is going to work and I'm really excited about it.
Ellie North, Blenham, NY

Hello Mike,

My name is Maddy and I am a HUGE fan of your Think Right Now audio programs!!

My life has changed in so many ways from using your audio programs it's hard to be specific, as I have yielded the benefits of using three of the programs - Freedom from Depression, Setting and Achieving Goals and I am Smoke Free Now.

I swear by the Freedom from Depression program..it has totally turned my life around and I no longer have any depression...truly a miracle, and I send you blessings for this.

Setting and Achieving Goals has really given me a boost and I am slowly, but surely moving in the direction of my dreams, and have no doubt that I will accomplish that which is my heart's deepest desires.

Now, for the hardest thing I've ever wanted to accomplish in my life, and something I never thought I could overcome - smoking! Since listening constantly to 'I Am Smoke Free Now' I am happy to tell you that I have been nicotine free for 1 month and 2 days!!!! My addiction to nicotine has been my life's worst inadequacy, and I am over the moon about having quit and staying quit. Healing this addiction is doing so much for my life...so many changes...so many challenges...yet such an opening to healing my life in so many ways.

Mike, the work you are doing, and the miraculous effects it is having on peoples lives all over the world, well...God bless you, is all I can say...God bless you!!!!

Thank you for being so committed to your work and to your passion; I am so very grateful for all that you do!!!!

With great sincerity,
Thank you so much!!
Maddy Anderson, CANADA



Dear Mike,

In August of 2003 I Am Smoke-Free Now for my husband and myself. I had decided to quit smoking and I had begun by cutting back on the number of cigarettes that I smoked daily. When your program arrived I began listening in earnest. I put the tape in the cassette player immediately and continued playing that tape a few times during the day and for weeks that followed. I had my heart set of quitting and although I had quit many times before I always went back to smoking at the slightest temptation.

The moment that I knew the program was working was when I was sitting around a table with four of my best friends. Four of us were smokers and one of my friends had never smoked. As we sat around and talked we often "lit up" in unison. On this particular night soon after I began listening to the tapes I realized that I wasn't smoking with the others. I was driving home that evening and impressed at how easy it was to quit. I began to get that I was no longer a smoker. It was the happiest moment of my life when I was able to break the chains that had bound me for so many years. I listened to the progrtam for a while longer but don't need to listen to it anymore.

I have the program in a safe place in case I ever need it again but I have never touched a cigarette since and I believe my addiction to cigarettes is totally and completely broken. I believe that every day since the addiction was broken I have gotten stronger in my resolve never to smoke again. My husband never listened to your program and has still not quit smoking. I hope that someday he will "get with the program". LOL.

I am so pleased to always hear messages from you about thinkrightnow.com because it brings back a happy memory that this tape worked for me and that so much could be accomplished in this manner. I love the way it worked for me. I appreciate having the opportunity to tell my story. Thank you so much for all you have done to help people become "more than they are". You are an inspiration!

Susan Freer, NJ
A Very Satisfied Customer

Hello Mike,

I want to share with you what happened today at the shelter with your programs. We are still in the process of setting up a system where people can check them out, listen to them on the computers, and then make them available for others. Yet today, I wanted to see how they affected some of the folks I write with. Many have mental illness, and I didn't know how they would react, especially those who heard voices.

Sarah, who just came into the group, not only copied the quotes for the day, she wrote down quotes up through page 109. Although she has no teeth, she smiled bigger than I ever have seen her smile. She and I have a routine we do now. We follow staff and members around and say, "Today! is your day to win!" She shouts it with me. Then, we have people say it back to us. Then we tell them your story, and we tell them how you donated books and programs.

When she copied them, Sarah noticed that you repeated some of the daily reminders. I told her those were the important ones - like the red words in the bible. She has said, over and over, -- I can do this. I can do this. Your words are sinking into her brain. Yea!

I was worried about how John might react to the voices on the program. He has a few other voices he struggles with and feels quite paranoid at times. I checked out how he felt after the program. He smiled. He said he felt relaxed. He said that the smoke was purging from his body. (Everyone listened to "I Smoke Free Now!") As I watched, he was repeating the words to himself silently. He really likes your book. You did a great job on your program. It addresses smoking and other substances extremely well in a supportive, positive, non threatening way. Good for you. It's just what they need.

Bill has been to prison six times, yet hasn't had a case in 15 years. He designs cards for a living --a very meek living. Yet he is one of the most beautiful poets I know. Today, he said that he believes that he has a purpose and that God will help him make his way. He keeps saying over and over, "That's amazing. He was homeless. Now look where he is at."

Your book, your story and your programs have had a great impact so far -- and we haven't gotten them fully integrated into the culture yet. It's only just begun, but folks are interested. I just signed my boss up for your e-mail book. He's excited, too. I'll keep you informed.

You are making good things happen in the world.
Many blessings to you, your wife and your family


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Mike Brescia's straight talk about health, business & success in life


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