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2009 Recent Articles

July 3, 2009

The 2nd of the procrastination causes

Hello my friend,

OK.  We're up to the second main reason that people put
off doing important tasks that would make a big difference
in their lives.

One of the most common of human mental failure patterns...

Blowing up the perceived size of the task in your mind.

This is something people do in all areas of our lives.

So, for example, if practicing at something is thought
about in such a way that it feels physically depressing,
you are not going to practice.

If, say, when you think about exercising, the only thing
that comes to mind is the strain and how much your muscles
may hurt during and after the workout, that will be that.

The mental process of blowing up the size of tasks in our
Minds makes them seem harder than they are, even if they
remarkably easy.  This mental "skill" makes ridiculously
simple things seem impossible.  Isn't that a trip?  And
when something seems impossible, there is nothing that
anyone can do to get us to do it willingly.

So what do you think/affirm in these situations?

'I can't do it.' 

And we all know that when you think you can't, you're right.


This automatic, unconscious mental habit of inflating the
size and thus the difficulty of our tasks/duties creates...


I liken overwhelm to be similar to when you push your foot
on the gas pedal of your car with your right foot while at
the same time, your left foot is pushing down on the brake.

You won't get anywhere...

And not only that, the smoke will be blinding.

Enormous heat.

And pretty soon, something has to blow.

What happens?

Fear of any kind of criticism.  Hate for the critic.
Avoiding any kind of challenges.  It's very common to get
very busy doing other things to keep your mind off the task
that is being avoided.  This makes everyone else think you
are so productive... even though you aren't getting the
most important things done.

Intense anxiety...

Research shows that a strong procrastination habit makes
people think that there is something organically wrong with

And pushing this idea, the pharmaceutical companies rush
in to make you believe it.  'Yesserie.  Must be an
imbalance in there somewhere, Bob.  Can't concentrate on
all those responsibilities?  You must be lopsided, pardner?
Swallow this costly little blue diddy and you're life will
be better'n'ever.  And don't worry about those strange
feelings in your body.  Just ignore it.  Cuz we got a
different pill for that.'

(Mouth wide open)?!?!?

Couldn't possibly be that you are like a few billion other
people and just blow things up in your mind, making them
appear harder than they are, causing you to push the brake
while life continues to push the gas, causing you to end up
getting behinder and behinder, which predictably, creates
a lot of smoke... I mean stress.
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It's all fixable.

The world is filled with people throughout the world who
are busier than all get out who keep the size of their
tasks SMALL in their minds.  Everything is kept in

The result?

No procrastinating.  No smoke.  No negative stress.

Only exhilaration and success and enjoyment.

Only acceptance of everything that happens.

Only learning and growth...

I can explain these concepts for the next year and counsel
until I'm blue in the face, but in my experience, the best
way to make habit changes and to eliminate internal
struggles that prevent you from being able to do what you
say you want to do is to condition your thoughts so that
the right emotions and actions become automatic.

Lecturing usually doesn't cut it.

We get calls and emails from people weekly who are stuck
in college going after their third and 4th PhD's who are
frightened OUT of their minds because IN their minds,
college is simple and safe, while working is hard and
filled with risk.

My recommendation is to get End Procrastination Now and
get on with the business of living and succeeding at
anything you want to do.


Don't get to the end of your life wishing that you had
wasted less time worrying and got more important,
meaningful things done.

Stop this habit of having to run around like a chicken at
the last minute, only to find out afterward that the thing
that seemed so horrible was pretty easy after all.

What you need to learn, and what End Procrastination Now
can teach you deep in your soul, is that there are few
things that are beyond your ability to do.

When you are conditioned mentally to shrink down the size
of your tasks and responsibilities, especially the most
important, high-value stuff, your life will never be the

And for a change, you will like it.

Be watching out for procrastination cause #3.

Make today your day,

Mike Brescia



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