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2009 Recent Articles

March 24, 2009

End anxiety and panic and in less than a month

Hello my friend:
What if, when you were worried about something happening
and you could not get your mind off of it?  I mean the
images and conversations in your mind just would not go
away... and this went on for years.  Then it turned into
panic attacks.  What if you thought, or knew, you were
going crazy.

And your friends and family kept telling you, "Stop
worrying!"  And you think, "If I could, I would."  You
think you may be going crazy, after all, some of the people
in your family are pretty 'out there.'

So off you go to your friendly neighborhood doctor, and
you tell them about your anxiety, and they say, "I got just
the thing for you young man (or young lady).  Take these
babies and you'll be right as rain."  All after about 7 or
9 minutes of conversation.  So, you do it, after all, 4 of
your cousins, two siblings a parent and grandma takes
little helpers... must be genetic.  Oh, well.  Your fate.

Years later, you're on your 8th wonder drug and still
you're not right. 

See what Rebecca Foster did instead:


Hi Mike and support,
My name is Rebecca Foster. I live in a very small town.  I
started having panic attacks a year ago.

One day my blood sugar dropped rapidly and I couldn't get
the food in me fast enough. I panicked and thought I was
going to pass out. It continued all day. I thought I was
dying. My husband had to leave for work and I didn't think
I was going to make it.  It continued about 2 times a month
and I realized that it revolved around my health and dying.
I am living in this small town with no quick help around.
What would happen to my kids if something happened to me? I
kept running it through my mind along with anything
upsetting that had happened in my life.

It became debilitating to where I would schedule my days
according to if I would have a panic attack or not.

I read a book and thought..."oh maybe I have
Hypoglycemia?"  In the book it said that people with
hypoglycemia were often misdiagnosed with panic
attacks...so I started eating protein every time I would
panic. It helped to control it in my mind. I would drink
protein shakes for breakfast, 2 snacks and before bedtime.

I could not take it anymore!!! It was wreaking havoc on my
stomach. I could not stop the attacks and I could not live
"on the ready" for ever. I was losing my mind. I am not one
to take drugs so I simply worked through them, blaming it
on the blood sugar. I think I knew in my heart it was not a
sugar problem or else I would not have purchased your CD.

I got Dissolving Panic and Anxiety
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/panic.asp
about 1 month ago and could not wait to get my "fix". 

That night I fell asleep to the Cd. The next night as I
lay down to listen, my heart starting pounding, like my
mind knew what it was about to hear. I laid there and
relaxed. Listening and taking it all in. When I would work
on the computer I would slip the cd in, when I lay down at
night, I would listen on my headphones. It has been my
nightly ritual ever since it arrived.

At first I truly needed to get to bed to listen, because
at night when my mind was relaxed and I was sitting down to
unwind is when my mind would start going crazy. I was going
to bed at 9pm just to avoid the attack.

I was even afraid to write to you for fear that I would
jinx the whole healing process.

One month later I can write this, I am in control of my
mind and body.

I feel that fear popping into my head and immediately wash
it away. I can stay up later and enjoy my shows. I can
relax. I can plan.

I don't drink protein shakes anymore unless I want one. I
can talk about it, something I could never have done
without setting off a panic attack. Heck I couldn't even
talk about someone else's health issues without panicking.
It has also helped me to be more flexible with my
scheduling and less of a stickler with time, a good thing
where my kids are concerned. No more," Let's go! We are
done! No more shopping! No more looking!" I am more like a
laid back shopper and let my kids be kids. Less rigid and I
like that.

The stress of life was eating away at my mind, body and

I am now training my mind to react differently in
situations and to be more relaxed about everything, even my
Type-A personality is accepting the changes. I react less
and blow off more.

I am pretty sure my behavior was not only learned but
genetic and IT IS ALL CHANGING!! Who wouldn't want to
change for the better? Who wouldn't want to make a better
life for their spouse, children, co-workers, parents????
Are you kidding me? You have a medicine, adverse-reaction
FREE product here and I think it should be offered

Your cd has given me a new lease on life and I pray for
people who are suffering with panic attacks. They are
debilitating and it feels like you are losing your mind. I
truly felt like at any moment I could crack and end up in a
straight jacket. Or at least I feared that possibility. 

I help people everyday with their spiritual issues and now
I can help them with good sound advice on how to remove
their panic attacks.
Thank you for everything. You were a God send. 

Love & Light,
Rebecca, IA


MB: Right, Rebecca.  It is all changing.  Most of what
people are afraid of, most of what people think is the most
important thing in the world is, in truth, not important at
all.  You just need to recognize it.

And when you do, these formally scary and important things
don't bother you at all... because they don't mean the same
thing to you.

Replacing thoughts, images and entire belief systems that
get you stressed out (and believing you have to) with calm,
accepting, aware, peaceful thoughts are often all it takes
to reverse even a lifetime of irrational fears.

JFKs quote about the only thing to fear is fear itself
came from a man who'd risen to the highest highs.  It's
true... eliminate the thoughts that bring on anxiety and
practically nothing will be impossible for you.

What is fear, worry, anxiety and panic?

They are thoughts...

Brought on by warping out of shape or blowing up the size
of perceived future negative events.

When you shrink them back down to normal size, voila, no
anxiety.  When you can't even see them any more, now you're
facing in a completely different direction.  The right

Try 'Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now!'
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/panic.asp

This week, you can get it at 40-50% off during our
'Prime- Time Stimulus Package' special discount. 

Happy day to you,

Mike Brescia

PS:  If you try to get through on our order line,
1-315-436-3057 and can't get through, keep trying.  This
'Prime-Time Stimulus Package' is lighting up the lines. 
If you want to place your order FAST, go here: 
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog-express.asp  
No waiting, no delays.

PPS:  We have NEVER offered anything at 50% off before.
So stop what you are doing and take advantage of it NOW.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog-express.asp  

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