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2009 Recent Articles

February 17, 2009

"The way it is" ain't the way it is

Hello my friend:

In an article I read last night that Arnold Schwarzenegger
wrote for Muscle & Fitness magazine, he talked about how to
balance your back.  Width, thickness, overall appearance.

He gave a good tip to those who want balanced looking
championship middle back.  Because apparently, even top pro
bodybuilders have a middle back that is not up to par with
the thick, wide muscles in their outer "wings."  Their
backs are thick and wide, but they have far less depth and
definition in the middle.

It reminds me of a guy I used to work out with who had the
biggest arms I've ever seen on a short guy.  All he did was
work arms and upper body.  But he had two little chicken
legs.  I mean he had some teeny-weeny legs.  And it wasn't
because of injury.  He ran all the time.  He just didn't
like working his legs out.  So he looked like a cartoon.

The same is true of most people.

Most people have one or two thing that they like to do
most and so they spend all their time doing those one or
two things.

In hobbies, that's fine.  Something you love doing.  Your

That's cool.

But when it comes to behaviors and habits that are going
on every hour, and when it comes to the mental realm, every
minute, that's not cool at all.

I talk in depth with a lot of people about their beliefs
about themselves.

And without question, the one thing that stops or slows
down most people's growth and learning is self image.

Having big goals and dreams without a self image that
parallels those dreams is like having big "lats" (those
outer muscles in the back, but little weak "rhomboids"
(inner back muscles).

Since the little voice inside your head is the one
conscious and semi-conscious thing that never shuts off and
indicates what you believe about everything, including
yourself, in order to have the self image you need that
will pull you in the direction of any big goal or dream you
have, you must work on it:

So think about something you think you want in any area of
your life.  Get it in your mind.  See that thing or

Now, can you imagine yourself having it?

If not -- if you see only problems, excuses, if you
imagine only failing, or doing nothing, or if it's very
fuzzy, you need to alter your self image.

If you don't? 
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Well, that means, you will never reach your objective.  Or
if you do, you won't be there very long.

So what you need to do is to change your "I am" beliefs in
the area of your goal/dream.

I am _____ (good at X)
I am _____ (a natural at X)
I am worth _____ (the effort to X)
I am good enough to _____ (do and succeed at X)
I am worthy of having ____ (the benefits of X)

There are dozens more self image "I am" belief formats
besides "I am," but that is the basic one and it will do
the trick.

The problem is that this inner voice stuff usually goes on
underneath your consciousness...

Most people do not walk around thinking "I'm not good
enough" to do some thing they dream of.  It's unconscious.
Most of us aren't even aware that we have a limited view of

Our limited view is "realistic," we think.

We just "know" we aren't good enough.  Not a belief. 

It's a "fact," we think... "just the way it is."

Our perceived limits are "true," we think.

And so that little voice in our heads, while just a quiet
little whisper, hardly noticeable at all, just keeps
solidifying our limiting beliefs, making them stronger and

Until they are so strong, they become as true as can be.

So, my friend, if you feel boxed in, trapped... if you've
tried and failed at achieving some big goal/dream many
times, it's time to look at your self image as it relates
to that area of life... and maybe your whole self-esteem,
in case there is little you feel you can do, or if you want
to take your life to a whole new level of success and

Examine your "I am ___" and "I am worthy of ____" beliefs
to see who you think you are.

And if you think you are less than you need to be, the one
and only thing that will change those beliefs rapidly, is
to keep repeating to yourself daily the exact opposite

Self image can only happen the same way it got there,
through repetition of thought.

Your partner in rapid, massive growth and success,

Mike Brescia


PS:  The most important program we have, and the place I
tell everyone to start is 'Real Self-Esteem Now!'  It
focuses 100% of self image and self worth.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/esteem.asp 
This program was created to raise limited self image to
the point where the user now feels like they can think
about setting and achieving even challenging, long-term
goals in any are of life.

PPS: See our entire catalog of Accelerated Success
Conditioning Programs at:
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog.asp

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