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2008 Recent Articles

November 20, 2008

Cutting 'bad' habits and addictions of at the knees

Hello my friend:

I just went over the high points of a giant study done on
smokers to find out what is going on in their brains when
they think about or see images of cigarettes and even what
their brains are doing when they see warning labels and

It's fascinating to know how irrational we humans are,
even though we think we're smart and logical in our

Here's what I mean.

Some background data first:

On the packs of cigarettes in the US, there are some
pretty straightforward warnings... "Smoking causes fatal
lung cancer," "Smoking causes emphysema," "Smoking while
pregnant causes birth defects."

In Europe, warnings on packs are placed inside big thick
black frames that are impossible to miss. 

In Portugal, warnings are very clear... "Fumar Mata"
(Smoking Kills). 

And in some other countries like Canada, Thailand,
Australia and Brazil, they go so far as to put on cigarette
packs full-color images of lung tumors, gangrenous feet and
toes, open sores of mouth cancers and disintegrating teeth.

Makes a difference, right?

Not one bit.

Even with graphic warnings, even though over 100 countries
have spent untold billions of dollars in non-smoking
campaigns, still more than 1 in 3 adult males across the
globe smokes.  1 in 4 adults in America smokes.  The
healthcare costs just in the US is estimated to be over
$167 billion a year.

So why is it so widespread even though it's so obviously

A major study was done to find out why using fMRI...
functional Magetic Resonance Imaging and SST, an advanced
version of the electroencephalograph.

Those machines can tell us what parts of the brains are
stimulated when certain pictures are seen, thoughts are
thought, smells are smelled, words are heard or imagined,
tastes are tasted or imagined, etc.

So when pictures of cigarettes were shown, and
conversations about cigarettes were played, and even when
the warnings of death, cancer, heart disease, emphysema and
lots of other conditions were shown, it actually STIMULATED
the area in the smokers' brains called the nucleus
acumens... "the craving spot."

This part of the brain is stimulated when you desire
something like alcohol, tobacco, sekks, gambling or a new
pair of shoes.

And when stimulated, the nucleus acumens needs higher
doses to get its fix.

So all these warnings and commercials not only don't work
to reduce the smoking habit, they actually seems to
encourage the behavior! 

So even study participants who said that health warnings
make them smoke less, got increased urges, even when
looking at mutilated body parts.  Wild, huh?

This is why chewing gum doesn't work to stop the smoking
habit... and why drugs don't work.

This is why "family intervention" rarely works...  why
smoke-free buildings and smoke-free workplaces doesn't work.

It's funny that when non-smokers go through the same
tests, their nucleus acumens do not get stimulated.

This is because they have a different view of smoking,
different motivations.  Those pictures of disease gross out
non-smokers, but get smokers excited.

Because smokers and non-smokers have entirely different
self-images, completely different belief systems and
attitudes about smoking.  Smoking means something different
to smokers compared to non-smokers.
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When you think about a cigarette, for example, or about
the smoke itself or the smell of it, or about other people
who smoke, if you get all warm and fuzzy inside and you
identify with the people and the smells make you happy,
then there is little can force you to stop.

But if you feel repulsed by it, there is little that can
MAKE you smoke.

See the difference.

It's not the brain that does it.  The brain is simply the
organ that shows the effects of what you believe.

Like a chart.

That is why the Think Right Now program 'I Am Smoke-Free
Now!' IS so effective compared to other methods that don't
get to the mental root of the problem.  It makes smokers
change what they believe about smoking and about themselves.

'I Am Smoke-Free Now!'
http://thinkrightnow.com/a/smoke.asp  and all the other
habit-change programs at http://www.thinkrightnow.com use
statements and word pictures that paint mental images
designed to get you to stop getting the warm fuzzies when
thinking about and doing unsupportive things, while at the
same time, they get you to feel those good feelings when
thinking about and doing the things that ARE good for you
(that you want to do).

It's interesting to note that in this massive study cited
above, nearly all the smokers in the study checked 'yes'
when asked if warning labels worked.  Perhaps that is what
they thought the researchers wanted to hear, or maybe they
felt guilty about what smoking was doing to them. 

Either way, their brains could not lie.  The smokers were
not swayed in any way to quit by knowing what their smoking
habit was doing to them.

That is why, if you are a smoker, you need 'I Am Smoke-
Free Now!'  http://thinkrightnow.com/a/smoke.asp

And why if you don't sell much of what you are paid to
sell, you need to work on your unconscious motivations, not
just learn more "closes."

And why if you are disorganized, the main thing that will
end the scattered mind and reduce the clutter is to be
conditioned with the thoughts of people who ARE organized.

Same goes for goal setting, eating healtheee, exercising,
feeling happeee, being happeee earning and having a lot of
munneee, taking on leadership roles, and even falling
peacefully asleeeep when you close your eyes at night.

All of what you do, and who you are and all the decisions
you make and feelings you feel are a result of a lifetime
of conditioning.

That means that you cannot be forced to feel happy in a
moment just because someone’s tells you to.  And you're not
going to hit the perfect golf shot when your mind is filled
with pictures of your ball sailing off into the wild blue

The only way you brain is going to change what it has been
conditioned to want is to condition it to want something
else.  The brain will not be forced with logic.

But it can be conditioned and trained to act differently.

That is what Think Right Now Accelerated Success
Conditioning Programs do.

Get some and use them and you will be able to do things
you have never been able to do before... and be happy doing


Mike Brescia

PS:  For the next few days only Releasing Fear Of Failure
Now is going to be 25% off.  Then it goes back up.  You can
learn about it and get it here:
- http://thinkrightnow.com/a/rfof.asp

PPS:  Come to think of it, the price on Championship
Caliber Golf is going up, too.  So if you are a golfer or
have one on your Christmas list, you can give them the gift
of a better swing and better concentration on the course at
- http://thinkrightnow.com/a/golf.asp
and save huge for the next few days only.

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