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2008 Recent Articles

August 6, 2008

Hello my friend:

Little girl - little English -- BIG dreams

Hello my friend:

Yesterday I had an absolutely remarkable, mind-blowing
conversation with the most interesting girl.

She's from China and her English is pretty shaky.

So when she moved to the U.S. just a few short months ago
knowing zero English, she couldn't communicate with anyone
on any meaningful level whatsoever.  Hand gestures got her
through most situations.

But instead of hanging out only with other people from
China, she spends a lot of time learning English with
cassette tape programs and in her free time, doing the
things she loved to do most in China... swimming, running,
reading, and yes, talking with other people... English
speaking people.

Yes, she spends a lot of time practicing her English even
though it was extremely challenging to get her point across
or to understand what anyone says.

And so day by day her ability to communicate without her
hands improved and she quickly is building up a network of
friends and acquaintances.

That is NOT what most people do in unfamiliar surroundings.

Because the average person is stuck in their habits and
patterns, primarily because they are comfortable... the
habits that lie to them and convince them that they'll be
safe if they just stay like they are and don't do risky

Because staying the same, doing what you did today because
it's what you did yesterday is the perfect way to find
yourself in the second half of your life wondering how the
heck you got in the rut you're in, wondering how you
squandered your gift of life.

This girl--she is 22 years old-- said she's been invited
to parties and has not able to really communicate with
anyone.  So she said she often picked the one person who
looked most "in need" of conversation and "talked" with
them, hands-a-flying the whole time

And she said that yes, it was very challenging, most
times, to carry on a conversation at parties, but because
she didn't take herself too seriously, and because it took
a lot for her to feel frustrated or embarrassed, it was
never uncomfortable... because in addition to her learning
English, she did something that few would think of...

She would teach the people she met Chinese!  And THAT
helped her learn even faster!

So it became fun for her instead of frustrating.

And she made me remember that every day, every minute we
are all faced with the questions, "What will we do next?"
and "How do I feel?"

And for this young girl, the answers she always came up
with were to do something new, something she enjoys doing
most... and always be learning.

So she is never frustrated.  She is never bored.  She is
never depressed.  She never feels lonely.  And she never
doubts her decision to move so far from home with no family
to help her financially or emotionally.

She is self-sufficient in every way.

And even though she is currently just making it on what
she earns, she is going to school... learning English and
studying to become... a journalist!

Imagine that.  Not long ago, she couldn't communicate in
English at all, and yet she's challenging herself to learn
the language so well, that she'll be able to not just
communicate, but be a GREAT communicator.

No fear.  Big goals.  Happy.

The whole time we were talking, I swear the smile never
left her face.

Her eyes were so bright, they almost twinkled.

So I asked her how she got so adventurous and so positive
about what she could achieve in life and she said that
beginning when she was about 12 or 13, her grandmother
spent at least an hour every day reading affirmations to
her and quotes from great and famous people in history.

And after reading each quote or affirmation, her
grandmother would discuss the meaning of each one so that
her grand-daughter would learn something valuable... so
that she would be able to handle with ease the inevitable
challenges she would face in her life.

She said her grandmother told her that successful people
are the best teachers and that she should spend as much
time as possible with people who know things she wanted to

Now THAT is some kind of grandmother!

And she said that this practice of reading positive
affirmations and famous quotes went on for seven or eight
years... every day for about an hour a day ... until her
grandmother passed away a couple years ago.

How did I get talking with her?

First, she told me she saw me and my son get out of my
very expensive vehicle before walking into the store.
Then, in the store, she noticed the quality of the clothing
I wore and knew it cost big bucks.

But what made her decide to walk up and start a

It was the sight of me pushing my son, Mickey through the
wide store aisles in a shopping cart as fast as I could get
that cart going... with both of us laughing out loud and
having a fantastic time.

So she figured that I knew some "secret" and she wanted to
see if she could learn something.  So she said.

Little did she know that when we started talking, I knew
that SHE knew things that *I* wanted to learn.

So it was an incredibly cool conversation.

I learned from her that you can be a fish out of water,
nowhere near your home pond and still be right at home.

And when she found that I had written a best selling book
that was built around the same practice that she did with
her grandmother for many years and that our audio programs
were rapid behavior modification programs that automated
that process, she just sat there with her mouth wide open
for a good 10 seconds and couldn't speak until her shock
turned into the biggest smile I have ever seen!

It just goes to show that like attracts like and that what
you think about expands in your life.

Think junk thoughts and you get junk.

Think good, positive empowering thoughts and your life
will reflect those thoughts.  Your actions will be
powerful.  Your results will be powerful.

And your life will be a masterpiece, filled with
accomplishments, happiness and satisfaction every day.

That young lady is going places.  There can't be the
slightest doubt.

And now that she has access to the most powerful change
technology in the world to keep the positive, empowering
thoughts going into her mind around the clock, like what
she received in the afternoons with her grandmother.  She
told me that nothing was going to stop her from being a
huge success.  She said she wants to change the world. 

In just a few minutes with her, I believe she'll do it.

No doubt.  No doubt.

And for you, do everything you can to make YOUR day a
GREAT day!

Ta-ta for now!



PS:  Not very many people are lucky enough to have a
parent, grandparent or care-giver growing up that is as
wise as that girl's grandmother was.  In fact, hers is
probably the best story of character building in a child I
have ever heard in my life... laser-focused.  No wasted
time or energy. Just powerful ideas.  No fluff.

If you weren't as fortunate as she was to have such a wise
teacher of success principles from such a young age, know
that it's never too late.  The mind is always ready to
expand and grow if you'll only let it... if you will just
let yours show you what it is capable of. 

At Think Right Now International, 
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com  ALL WE DO is accelerated
success conditioning, thought modification and behavior
modification... and it can all be done in the privacy of
your own home, office and automobile.  So if you want to
change how you feel about yourself and about life FAST,
have more and better friends FAST, put more dough in your
bank accounts FAST, be happier FAST, get more done FAST and
a whole lot more, find out what we're doing to rapidly
change the lives of people all around the world at and how
we can do it for you at
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com


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