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2008 Recent Articles

July 7, 2008

If you are depressed, read this

Hello my friend:

Depression - feeling down - the blues - bi-polar - despair
- dismay - gloom - hopelessness - dejection - doldrums.

Whatever you like to call it, it sucks.

Darkness all around.  Imagining anything good is impossible.

And no one living or dead has ever experienced the gloom
you feel... at least that is how it seems.  Right?

The drug companies want every one of us on their potions,
but in truth only about 1-2% of those who "are" depressed
are so because of genetic and biological reasons. 

The majority are depressed because:
1- They've taken mental or physical beatings by life, and
2- They've never been mentally trained to move past major
traumatic experiences

And just like any other skill set, being happy is a
learned skill.

Just like any other skill set, being able to get over and
move past significant life changes and tragedies is a
learned skill.

If you haven't been able to do it, you aren't imbalanced.

No one taught you how.  That's all.

You simply haven't had training in getting past it.

Few have.

Here's a story sent to us by someone who got that training:

Hi Mike!
First of all I would like to thank you from all levels of
my being for the work that you are doing.
On June 1, 2004, my oldest daughter was struck by
lightening while taking a break in the outdoor gazebo area
of the Holiday Inn where she works as an administrative
assistant.  I also worked in restaurant sales at this same
hotel, and I was out on a sales call when it happened.

While returning to the hotel I noticed the road was closed
and police were all over the northbound lanes of route 202,
and a helicopter was overhead apparently airlifting someone
to the hospital.  I thought in my head this must have been a
really bad car accident!  I was also thinking "thank God
that Michelle is safe in her office!" 

I found out shortly thereafter that it was my Michelle in
that helicopter!  Two hotel employees were waiting for me as
I drove in, as I was expected to return at that time.  It
took them three or four times to tell me that Michelle was
struck by lightening before it sunk in, when it did
finally, I could not breathe.

Life turned upside down at that very minute.  If it wasn't
for the quick life saving action of a nearby employee, we
would have lost her.

We brought her home, I began caring for her and 25 days
later I no longer had a job!  It wasn't until October until
I found another source of income, and Michelle was doing

In the mean time my doctor had put me on antidepressants.
They don't work.

The new job wasn't enough for me to keep my house, so I
sold it and moved from a three bedroom house into a one
bedroom cramped apartment.  Then I went to the dentist and
somehow my trigeminal nerve got pinched causing extreme
pain, which took months to find out what it was, and fix it.

Then I needed surgery, a total hysterectomy, I could not
afford to keep even this tiny apartment, so I moved again,
3 months after recovering from the hysterectomy...this time
I moved in with my mother!

No wonder I wanted to jump off my balcony...when this
entered my head I knew I needed some help.  At that time I
was still taking the antidepressants, so I had a feeling
that the medication was screwing up my brain chemicals, so
I stopped taking them.

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OK, now I can tell you about how Think Right Now helped
pull me up and out of this.
I ordered "Freedom From Depression Now"
- http:/www.thinkrightnow.com/a/depression.asp and began
listening every night before going to sleep. This CD began
slowly to bring me back from the brink of "I don't even
want to think of what".

It took about a month before I really began to notice that
my thinking had changed. I know that it must have begun the
first time I listened or I wouldn't have made it to a
month. I just felt a little more peaceful and centered,
even in the midst of all of the chaos in my outer world,
and the peacefulness increases everyday. I know that all
life experiences are lessons for growth, and now I ask
myself a question whenever something comes up, and this
question is "where do I grow from here?"

My small bag of "Think Right Now" http://thinkrightnow.com
CD's and a portable CD player is my most prized possession
right now. It's about the only possession! But as I now see
it, I can look forward to how much fun I am going to have
choosing new "stuff"

I now have a great job, and am now looking for my own
place, and I feel 100% better than I did only months ago.
More confident, more positive, and much happier in my
outlook on life. I feel that everyone should have a "Think
Right Now" CD of their choice to help get over the bumps.
Listening to the CD's keeps the thoughts up in a positive
place, while also releasing the negativity.

I am so grateful for these CD's!

Thank you so very much!
Marjorie, PA

MB:  Thank you Marjorie.  20 years since I created the
first (crude) Accelerated Success Conditioning Program, I
still listen, read and write their contents daily.  Because
just like exercise, eating, showering and breathing, you
need to put good, powerful, positive thoughts into your
mind every day.  Negativity in life is everywhere.  Danger
is everywhere.  Competition is everywhere.

It's like dirt that you need to wash off every day.

That is what Freedom From Depression Now
- http:/thinkrightnow.com/a/depression.asp does.  It
washes off the negativity that builds and accumulates in
your mind.

So if you or someone you know has been depressed or is
always "negative," Freedom From Depression could be the
ticket to freedom.  Learn about it, get it and use it.
Tens of thousands of people have.


Mike Brescia

PS:  Can't sleep?  Try Tranquil Sleep Now and you'll sleep
like a baby and wake up refreshed?  Poppycock?  Try it out
and you'll be able to get off those expensive and dangerous
sleeping pills.
And save BIG before the introductory savings are over.


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