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2008 Recent Articles

May 15, 2008

Think like the rich and become rich

Hello my friend:

All you have to do is look at the front page of any
newspaper to realize that money is at the top of everyone's
list of concerns these days. 

No one has enough and everyone's complaining about the
prices of everything.

But yet, the rich just keep getting richer no matter what
direction the economy goes. 

The rich never worry about their jobs. The rich take their
vacations, retire well, and really enjoy life.  The rich
never have to sweat it out and barely get by, like most

What's the secret?

Well, I can tell you it's not because these people were
born to the right parents, had a fancy degree, or were
'luckier' than everyone else.  And it's not buying every
"how to make a fortune at ____" book or video course.

I can tell you in my case, when I was a kid, for quite a
while, in our main bathroom, there was no toilet... just a
5 gallon bucket.  Imagine that... and it WASN'T during the

Because plenty of poor people rise to levels of incredible
wealth.  And there are even more stories of people born
rich and privileged, who lost it all in a flash.  One bad
decision after another, after another, after another.

So when our Think Right Now research department tore apart
the daily thoughts, attitudes, core beliefs and actions to
discover what helped people who grew up to be the most
successful money earners, savers and investors in the
world, we discovered...

> Only 19% received any income from a trust fund
> Less than 20 percent came from inherited wealth
> 91% never received a dime of income from a family business


That's why if you really want to become just like the
greatest wealth-builders in the world-those who have more
money than they could ever spend, it always starts with
their beliefs, attitudes, and actions regarding money and

Examine them, and it will take you about three seconds to
see why the most successful people, money wise, have so
much financial abundance - while Average Joe is mired in
ever increasing debt.

>> First, people with true wealth think of themselves as
financial "winners".  

The rich believe they are destined to be financially
independent, it's part of their self-image.  The rich truly
believe, way down inside, that a high net worth is their
destiny. And nothing can stop them from achieving that
goal.  It is a core belief that can never die.

>> Second, they make the most out of the resources
available to them. 

Many people who make average salaries are able to retire
rich.  How?  Because they make it a habit to save money
every month - even if its only a $20 bill.  Most people who
are self-made started slowly and invested more as their
profits grew.

>> They beat back threats to their hard-earned wealth. 

People with financial abundance have a certain 'street
smarts' when it comes to investing their hard-earned money.
They listen to their gut and know when something doesn't
"feel right".  They can smell a 'get-rich-quick' scheme a
mile away, and stick with proven financial strategies they

>> They  act quickly to minimize losses.

Many people I know who are battered by the stock market
leave their money there, hoping if they "wait just a little
longer," they'll recoup their investment.  But the rich
know that could take years to happen - if at all.  So its
better to cut losses, learn lessons, and move on.

>> Finally, wealthy people have one single mantra when it
comes to purchasing power: "what's in it for me."

Oh, I know, I'm going to get hammered with emails about
that one.  Hey, I'm just telling you what the most
financially successful people do.  Self-made people always
got their eye on what they can gain.  It does not mean they
are selfish.  On the contrary, research shows that self-
made millionaires give away more money than anyone else.
But it's the WIIFM mindset allows them to have the money to
give away in the first place.
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They don't buy something because of the designer label.
Savvy people buy products only for the benefits they
provide.  If you want more dough, you should know that most
self-made millionaires don't collect material things; it
just doesn't interest them.  Instead, a high percentage of
the rich buy only what they need, and don't waste money on
unnecessary luxuries. 

Even Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world
lives in a very modest home, not a giant mansion.

Now, imagine if you were programmed to think and become
wealthy, too?
Imagine if you were able to earn more, keep more, and
invest like a pro.

Imagine never again chasing after the elusive buck, or
living from paycheck to paycheck.

Sounds impossible to you now.  But take it from me: If it
sounds impossible, it will be.  When it sounds possible, it
will be.

With  the right tools, it can and will happen for you. 

It starts when you replace those deep-rooted beliefs and
actions that sabotage your financial success with powerful,
wealth-building attitudes  that will transform your life
like nothing you've ever experienced before.

Reconditioning and accelerated learning makes it possible.
And you can make it happen just a few minutes a day.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com


PS: Start thinking and dreaming like the rich... Achieve
true wealth and build a worry-free future starting

"Financial Abundance Now!"
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/financial.asp  is a mental
re-patterning program that is designed to install the
moment by moment mental patterns consistent with the
wealthiest self-made people on the planet.  Want more
money?  Want it to stay around?   Find out how here:
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/financial.asp


And if you want to think, act, and become a winner in
EVERY area of your life, start here:
 - http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/esteem.asp


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