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2008 Recent Articles

April 25, 2008

What Mozart and Bach Knew That We Just Found Out

Hello my friend:

One of reasons Accelerated Learning works so well is
because its based in one of the simplest - yet least known -
principles of listening and learning.

It's the music- not just any music, but the
"mathematical", 55-60 beats-per-minute music that's such an
integral part of our Think Right Now Accelerated Behavior
Modification Programs.

17th and 18th century composers like Bach, Beethoven and
Mozart composed what we now call "Baroque" music.  It's
known for its slow largo rhythm of 55-60 beats per minute.

Back in the 1950s and 1960s when Georgi Lozanov was
developing his Suggestopedic method for Accelerated
Learning, he discovered that Baroque music had a remarkable
effect on the brain and its capacity for speeding and
deepening memory.  He noticed this type of music speeds
memory and makes it last.

But HOW it does this is pretty amazing.

The constant, "mathematical" rhythm causes more of your
brain cells vibrate at a slower 8-12 cycles per second.

In this "alpha" state, stress evaporates...Your pulse
automatically synchronizes with the music...and your brain
soaks in new information better and more effectively than
when in a "normal" waking state.

Tests at Iowa State University showed that just listening
to Baroque music ALONE can help you increase the amount you
learn and remember by 25%. Another study by UC Irvine
confirms this.
(you can read more about that here
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com )

Plus, 55-60 beat-per-minute music has also been shown to
enhance sleep, lower blood pressure, even boost your
natural defenses against disease.
Pretty remarkable that "mathematical" music can have that
type of effect on your mind and body, isn't it?  Plus, it
only needs to be loud enough for your ears to register the

Everything else happens automatically.

So as you play any Think Right Now! program while you
relax or drift off to sleep, our specially-composed 60-beat-
per-minute music - along with the special pacing and
repetition of the re-scripting statements - put you into
the "alpha" brain state.

This eventually activates even deeper subconscious
brainwave patterns, known as the "theta" state, of 4-8
cycles per minute.  This is where deep, emotional changes
become weaved into the fabric of who you are.
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This triple-play of music, repetition, and affirming
statements produce lasting results because they alter the
deeply-ingrained mental "triggers" that control what your
attitudes and actions will be.

The more you hit the play button, the faster the new
positive, confident thoughts and behaviors you desire will
come into your life.

Before you realize it, you'll believe you're destined to
succeed at everything you do, and that no obstacle is too

You'll replace self-defeat with self-reliance.

And you'll know, deep down inside, that you can take on
the world.
All you have to do is listen.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com



PS:  Remember, just relaxing to the 60-beat-per-minute
music is enough to improve your concentration, relieve
stress and boost your creative thinking.  That's why we've
made the specially-composed music used on all our TRN
programs available on CD.  They're soothing to the mind,
body and spirit.

You can even listen to the samples right here:
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/m/trnmusic.asp

PPS: The time for procrastination is over. Our 25%
Introductory Discount on "The Leader's Mindset Now" is
ending Monday night at midnight Eastern Time.

Get over to http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/leadership.asp
to save 25% until midnight US Eastern Standard Time.
That's 9pm Pacific, 10pm Mountain, 11pm Central Time.


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- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
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