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2008 Recent Articles

April 2, 2008

Thoughts, your miracle transportation

Hello my friend:

A few minutes ago, while I was eating a tasty Greek Salad
when I took note of some of the ingredients in it.  That
caused my mind to go to a book I used to sell a ton of in
the mid 90's called, 'Food Your Miracle Medicine.'

It talks about all the nutrients in foods, which ones have
the highest concentrations of this, that and the other
thing, and which ones are garbage.

Now, in terms of health, this is critically important to
understand.  Because, for example, practically every
medicine and on the market today has its foundation in
plants, trees, vegetables and minerals found in the earth.

And this common sense is pretty much completely ignored by
everyone.  Why why say that?  Because so many people are
sick and tired and in such poor health.

The same thing holds true for success in every single area
of life.

You see, what is equally important, though still just as
widely ignored, are your moment by moment thoughts, your
core beliefs, and how your mind manipulates your experiences.

So many people perform mediocre and poorly in their
careers, and they never even consider that their own way of
thinking has led them to their current situation.

People blame their own poor health on genetics or the

Poor relationships?  Not my fault.

Depressed?  Must be a chemical imbalance.

Anxious, afraid?  Who wouldn't be in this situation.

Low self-esteem?  Sure, I really am not good enough;
that's why I feel the way I do.

Not motivated?  Why bother, I'd fail no matter what.

All these attitudes and thousands more can be turned
around 180°.

Because as Shakespeare said, nothing is either good or bad
but thinking makes it so.

To turn your poor thinking upside down...

To succeed in areas of life where you only know failure...

To take moderate success and happiness and accelerated to
heights that seem almost ridiculous...

You need to have a method that can help you clear out or
release your old, negative, unsupportive, disempowering,
failure producing thoughts and beliefs.
Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

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Think Right Now Success Conditioning does that.

You also need a method that helps you to attract and
instill in you the most powerful thoughts, beliefs and
attitudes found in the people that are the very best at
what you want to do already.

Think Right Now Success Conditioning does that.

Just like it is common sense to eat foods that are rich in
vitamins and nutrients that naturally support the body and
keep it in good health, it is also common sense that your
mind must have a constant flow of empowering input that
programs you for success and happiness.

There are no pills that can do that.

There is no one fact you can learn that can do that.

Just as good health comes from what you do every day,
success and happiness in life overall comes from what you
think and do every day.

Accept this and you will be pointing in the right direction.

If you act on it by putting the proper success-producing
thoughts in and you will not only be facing in the right
direction, you will be going down a path that will
transport you to where you want to be faster than any other

Think Right Now Accelerated Success Conditioning is the
only way I know that has ever made the kind of miraculous
changes in the actions people take and in the emotions they
feel with so little effort.

Need massive change in your emotions?

Want to do more but just can't?

Think Right Now.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com 



P.S. Speaking of health, if you have stomach problems and
pain 3 or more days a month, go to:
- http://www.greattastenopain.com
What you will learn there will knock you over.

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- http://www.greattastenopain.com  

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