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2008 Recent Articles

March 18th, 2008

The ripple effect is alive and well

Hello my friend:

Last December I shared a story with you about a young lady
who'd been suffering from Anorexia for close to a decade,
and it seemed that no amount of talk therapy made a dent in
solving her problems. While trying to earn her Ph.D., Anna
went into a downward spiral of self-blame and negativity.
She became a virtual recluse in her home, hating herself
and her life - but then she found Think Right Now.

I'm sending her story again because it has been getting
passed around quite a bit and ended up in the hands of some
people who work with other Anorexia sufferers and since
Anorexia is a mental/behavioral disorder, TRN programs are
having a positive effect on a number of other young people
who have this skewed self concept.

Well, these administrators contacted me the other day
because they lost the original email and wanted to send it
to some people, so I thought it was important that I shared
Anna's story again with all our subscribers.

By the time Anna wrote to us, she was using Supreme
Confidence Now!
for only 3 months, and had a major

That is, if you consider saving someone's life major.

Read Anna's inspiring testimonial below.


Dear Mike:

Because of your program Supreme Self-Confidence Now
you are changing - and saving - my life.

I have been listening to it for over three months now. I
haven't emailed about it before because a) it is difficult
to talk about and b) my progress is happening on a daily
basis so I wanted to wait a little while until a "major"
break-through occurred. 

Well, a break-through occurred. I guess saving someone's
life is pretty major.

For the last 8-9 years, I've been suffering from anorexia
and in denial about my problems. Given I've only just
turned 27, I lived about a third of my life in a mental
prison. I've been guarded and reclusive all this time. I
never even thought about my problem, even though anorexia
has been putting me at risk of early-onset osteoporosis and
other health conditions including infertility

I started listening 3 months ago primarily because my self-
esteem had taken a real beating while I was trying to get
my Ph.D. I have also been unsuccessful in applying for
funding grants to commence a post-doctoral research project
in my field. Since I am now unemployed, this has further
weakened my sense of self-esteem and self-worth.
In short, I've had awful negative thinking and self-
criticism, compounded by these disappointing circumstances.
My Mum suggested I listen to Supreme Self-Confidence Now.

I had some awful dreams for about 2 weeks. But after that,
I didn't berate myself and didn't jump to conclusions about
what others might be thinking of me.

I began to act with more confidence. And I'm no longer in
denial! Within the last 10 days, I have contacted 2 eating
disorder foundations for referrals to a dietician and
psychological help. I set up psychotherapy sessions
starting this week and had an appointment with a
Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.

The nutritionist wanted to know what 'tape' I was
listening to because I am moving so quickly through the
steps I need to take towards recovery. This is pretty
unusual for anorexics, where a very long recovery period is

What's more, I have begun to implement the nutritionist's
eating program. I know it is the beginning of a new and
profound behavioral pattern that will take me towards
health and most of all, happiness.

Thank you Mike, you're changing my life, and me, every
day. It has really upset my family too to see me so ill and
in such denial for so many years. It's like a huge
oppressive weight has lifted from our world.

I am indebted to you because I can save myself from bone
replacements and broken bones and I will be able to have
children. I can claim back myself and my LIFE from this
debilitating mental disorder.

Anna H.


Mike: Thanks again, Anna.
Believe me, no one is "born lucky."  Every single one of
us is born with the talent and the power to achieve
remarkable things.

But unless you believe it...

If you don't really, truly feel confident in your
abilities and success...

You'll end up feeling weak, anxious, useless, and easily
victimized day in and day out.

And what we've found in those people who never - and I
mean never - get down for long is that they have control
over the core 22 mental patterns, those base beliefs,
thoughts, attitudes and emotional patterns that guide their

Learn about those patterns and how you can control them
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com

Anna did and because of it, she finally began to 'live'



PS:  Do you want to install the winning attitudes and
actions of the greatest leaders who have ever lived in your
brain - vision, confidence, people skills, courage - and
make them second nature?

Check out our latest Accelerated Success Conditioning
Program, "The Leader's Mindset Now" and save 25% with our
Special Introductory Discount. 

(c) copyright 2007 Think Right Now Int'l
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