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2007 Recent Articles

August 1, 2007

Your fate is what YOU say it is - what say you

Hello my friend:

I was just going through files, books, reports, boxes and piles
of research we've done over the years looking for stuff on
leadership... because in September, we'll be releasing the most
comprehensive mental conditioning program ever created on
developing the leader's mentality right down to the core of your
being.  We found a mountain of data.  Nothing ever created will
touch this for its ability to get you thinking and acting like a
true leader, someone that people will follow into the gates of
hell, if necessary.

But that is not what I want to talk about today.

In our search, we came across research we did a couple years
ago on confidence... and the lack of it.

As I poured over it, what came up again and again were common
beliefs that people had that aren't just frightening... stuff

- "Confidence means arrogance"
- "Confidence is just a way to hide insecurity"
- "Nobody will listen to me"
- "Once people get to know me they won't like me"
- "Confidence is something you're either born with or born
without I don't have any confidence because I'm not gorgeous"
- "If I was meant to be good at XYZ, a would-be, but I'm not"
- "It's just my fate to be this way"
- "It's not God's will that I should be talented, healthy,
wealthy or happy"
- "I can't change now, so why try"
- "I feel fake when I tried to project confidence"
- "When I get criticized I feel 2 inches tall"

There were a couple THOUSAND of these foul thoughts, attitudes
and beliefs in this one research file. 

And all I could imagine was the faces of the hundreds of
millleeeons of people who truly, to the core of their being, the
believe these things and live their lives with these thoughts,
unaware that these are lies...  thinking that there lack of
confidence and self assurance is built in to them instead of
something that has been learned.

Because in the rest of the research it showed that people who
have a higher level of self confidence in their abilities often
had no more reason to believe they could do something than
other, more capable people, but it's their confidence that gave
them the willingness to try new things and to learn what they
needed to learn in order to succeed.

Hey, the rich get rich because they believe they can.

Champion athletes win because they believed that all the effort
they put in will pay off.
Mike Brescia wants to give you a DAILY tip to inspire you to maximum success in every area of your life! Mike's tips are required reading. And they're free. Sign up now.

Those with the biggest network of friends and associates
believe that they, themselves, are worthy of these friendships.

People who get the most done every day, every week, every month
and every year believe that if they have a job in front of them
that needs to be done that they absolutely can do it, no doubt.

People who are healthy and who take care of their bodies
believe that it's no big deal for them to say no to foods that
aren't good for them.  They believe that they can have an
exercise lifestyle for the rest of their lives, and they don't
say "Why do I have to do this?"

There are literally thousands of thoughts and attitudes and
core beliefs that confident people have that unconfident people
do not.

And it has nothing to do with who their parents are, what they
look like, how strong or fast they are, how smart they are, how
rich they are.  It's simply a learned set of thought, belief and
attitude patterns learned over many years.

Pictures of success are BIG and images of failure get
torched... char-broiled.

So my question is, don't you think it's time to start believing
in yourself... really believing in yourself, like the best in
the world believe in themselves?

The old saying, "If you think you can or if you think you
can't, you are right" is the truest truth there ever was.

If you don't believe in yourself, even going to the grocery
store for a loaf of bread can be too much to ask, right?

But when you believe in yourself totally, there is almost
nothing you can't achieve.  With self belief you can become
nearly anything you want to be. 

People who use Supreme Confidence Now to install in themselves
unbreakable confidence are achieving uncommon things.  They are
doing things they've never done in their entire lives, because
they didn't believe they could before... but now they know
better, they believe.

Learn about Supreme Confidence Now right here.


Mike Brescia

P.S.  Our newest release Conquering Social Anxiety Now is just
a couple weeks away from its release.  This one is going to be
huge.  I'll be talking more about it in the very near future.
Stay tuned...

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