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2007 Recent Articles

June 4, 2007

Subliminal tapes didn't work for Mark - but TRN is in a BIG way

Hello my friend:

Here is another example of a person who in the past used those
"magical, mystical" subliminal tapes "with words on them that
you just can't hear" not doing a darn thing for him.

But as you read today's success, keep in mind that it's not
always as easy as it was for him.  It DOES help immensely if you
actively read 15-20 Think Right Now program statements of your
choice per day, three times/day (morning, noon, evening before

It would be nice if all ANYONE had to do was play the tapes/CDs
and nothing else...

Remember, in attempting to change lifelong habits of thought
and action, you are trying to undo years, and probably DECADES
of negative, disempowering, failure producing thought and belief
patterns... no small feat.

And even though the Think Right Now method can be super fast
(compared to anything else you've tried), you most probably
still need to put in some conscious effort... at least if you
want to see lightning bolts.  Many don't need to read, but the
majority should.

That said, here's today's success story sent in from Mark


Dear Mike,

I have been doing my own research on personal behavior
modification in order to undo some negative ingrained beliefs
that I've had for a while.  I had come to the conclusion that
deeply ingrained beliefs were affecting my reality and for me,
the best way to change those beliefs was through though
affirmations.  In my reading, I learned that they are most
effective when the brain is in a relaxed state.  This posed a
big problem - how was I going to keep my brain relaxed while I
engaged in reading my affirmations?  I knew there was a solution
when I found your products.

 I ordered your Infinite Joy Now CD to help me deal with some
depression issues.  I put it in the CD player on Friday night
when my wife and I went bed. 

The next morning I awoke cheerfully.  I was a little skeptical
because it could have been a placebo effect, so I reserved
judgment.  As the day wore on, I had a little spring in my step
as I was cleaning out the closets, and my wife was busy
reorganizing the kitchen.  Seeing how both my wife and I were
mildly depressed, the last thing we wanted to do on a Saturday
morning was start working, but we did and enjoyed what we were
doing.  We then enjoyed the rest of the day without the guilt of
procrastination and the dread of looming projects.

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Fast forward a few days - the house was cleaner than it has
been in a long time, we spent more time with the kids, and our
overall outlook was really improving.  We had gotten a lot more
done, but it had felt effortless.  We had enjoyed our downtime
more, and our overall sense of well being had been lifted.
After just three weeks of listening, Infinite Joy has made me
happier, I smile more, and day-to-day annoyances bother me less.
My relationship with my wife has never been better.  I have been
tackling previously overwhelming projects, breaking them into
smaller pieces, and getting them done.

I listen to the CD as I fall asleep, so the program works while
I sleep and I don't have to do anything but put it in the
player!  Infinite Joy is becoming a part of who I am.

I had used other programs in the past, for as long as 6 months,
but without any results.  You are correct when you say that
subliminal audio doesn't work. You have to hear the words.  Your
program goes one step further by repeating each affirmation 3
times, while emphasizing different words.  This gives the brain
a chance to really internalize the affirmations.  

Thanks for the wonderful program!

Mark Souders


M.B.: Well, Mark, it sounds like you have done a little
research.  Interesting that you came to your conclusions before
you even heard of TRN.  Hmm.  When you think about it, it's
nothing but "common sense" right?  All the pieces are there.
Relaxed mind, triple repetition and spacing, all the core mental
patterns addressed... and voila, better responses, better moods,
better decisions, better actions.

And happiness throughout...

String all that together day after day and you have a pretty
nice life.

Consistency is a major key to accomplishment and happiness.


Mike Brescia

P.S.  Later on this week, I'll be making a big announcement.
       So Stay tuned...
P.P.S.  Our current special is for every 3 Think Right Now
programs you get AT THE SAME TIME, you get 1 absolutely fre*e...
as in no charge.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
And remember, double programs count as 2 toward your 3.

Get a complimentary program!
In order to pass on 'best practices' to other subscribers/
customers, we will reward those who help us!  Send a detailed
success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant
Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio
of your choice.  You only pick up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
immediately. Brilliant!

To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
changes/benefits you received.  Please be descriptive of the
benefits.  If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com and tell us your
choice of audio.  We'll then take care of shipping it to you.


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