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2007 Recent Articles

June 3, 2007

6 months and not one panic attack

Hello my friend:

I get so many emails from clients around the world that ask how
the statements on our programs address exactly the issues that
people deal with.

And the answer is simply that no matter what the topic is or
what the problem is, you are not alone...

Although it's common to believe that no one has ever felt how
you feel...

...and that no one has ever had your exact problem, many people
are indeed feeling VERY SIMILAR to you feel and have had VERY
SIMILAR backgrounds and now make VERY SIMILAR decisions and take
VERY SIMILAR actions to you.

And we study all the reports, studies and books and we talk
with hundreds of people just like you.

That's why it seems that I have crawled inside your head when
you hear the words.  It is never easy, but it is worth the
effort.  It takes so much effort and so much time, in fact, that
there is no way that anyone else has done the work we have in
order to positively re-pattern the thought of our clients to be
similar to the most effective people.

Here is just one sample in thousands that come in every year...


Dear Mike,

I've been waiting for the right time to send you an e-mail to
thank you for your program.  I've looked back on the past 6
months since I've been listening to your "Dissolving Panic and
Anxiety Now
" CD and realize that the time is now.

I am becoming a different person.  There have been more good
days than bad days and a lot of that has to do with your
program.  I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder in 1994 shortly
after getting married.  It was only a matter of time and several
terrible panic attacks before I saw a therapist and began taking
medication.  The meds didn't take away my problem; they only made
me think it was it bearable.  Since then, I've been on and off
different meds, seen countless therapists, and still have
experienced many panic episodes.

Early last year, the panic seemed to resurface and I was afraid
that I was going backwards and would need to take more
medication.  That wasn't an acceptable option for me because I
was nursing my youngest child.  I did some research on-line to
find help.  That's when I came across your website.  I was
skeptical but I ordered the cd and began listening to it once it

Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
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Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.

The first time I listened to the cd during the day to find out
what it contained.  Many of the statements brought tears to my
eyes as I could relate so well to them.  How did you know how I
felt and what I wanted to feel?  By working on my self-talk
during the day and at night I am becoming a new person.  When I
first put on the cd and hear the music begin, my body
immediately begins to relax and focus.  I truly believe that I
am becoming a better wife and mother.  Since beginning your
program, I haven't experienced any panic attacks and can better
deal with my anxiety.  I can't wait to see what the next 6
months bring.

Thank you for all you do and for caring about others.  It's
good to know that I'm not the only one dealing with problems.



M.B.: Wonderful... just like any skill, happy moment-by-moment
thoughts, empowering self-beliefs, positive attitudes and
success-producing actions are strengthened in time.  So yes, the
next 6 months are sure to be even better than the last 6.  Just
keep practicing and your progress will continue.

Well, it's time for ME to visualize some outcomes that I
currently desire.


Mike Brescia

P.S.   Anxiety/fear is one of the hardest patterns to break.
But since what we fear most usually doesn't actually ever come
true OR if it does, the "what if" isn't usually as bad as we
imagined it would be, eliminating the fear is hardly ever
impossible.  Especially with Dissolving Panic & Anxiety Now to
create the mental environment and End Procrastination Now is
often a great supplementary program.
P.P.S.  Our current special is for every 3 Think Right Now
programs you get AT THE SAME TIME, you get 1 absolutely fre*e...
as in no charge.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
And remember, double programs count as 2 toward your 3.

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customers, we will reward those who help us!  Send a detailed
success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant
Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio
of your choice. You only pick up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
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To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
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