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2007 Recent Articles


Quiet lady blasts out of her shell

Hello my friend:

Today is Saturday, Memorial Day Weekend here in the U.S.  We
(Sherry, Mickey and I) are going to see Sherry's mom (Mick's
Babci) today to plant flowers and cook her a gourmet meal. 

And just a moment ago, while I was straightening up some
papers, I overheard Mick reading a letter he composed for his
grandmother (Babci)...

The beginning of the letter started out like this:

"Babci, You are the greatest Babci ever..."

The rest of it was equally gushing.

And I thought, how cool.  THAT is one of the reasons why even
adults who can't stand anyone under 18 still love Mickey...
because he loves them first.

And that is the way life is...

Your life mirrors your thoughts. 

Generally speaking, people treat you how you treat them first.

Rotten thoughts, rotten results.

Put hate out, get hate back.

Put love out, get love back.

Disagree if you will, but I am right.

Will "everyone" feel love toward you if you feel it toward them?

No come on, there is no always and never...

But by and large, you get more of what you give.

And I found this story sent in to me from Maria Spence in the
UK that bears this out:



Hi Mike

My name is Maria Spence.  I discovered your website and
programmes a few days before Christmas 2006 and immediately
ordered Think right now for the computer and 6 of the Think
Right Now CD's.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog.asp  

I am a graduate of the Anthony Robbins Mastery University but
had begun to get frustrated as I had found myself slipping back
into my old patterns.  When I came across your site it was very
exiting as I had no clue that any of this existed, and that
there was actually an easy and inexpensive way to do this.

I immediately started to use "Win friends and Influence People
I was leaving my workplace in early January and really needed
this as even though I am a kind hearted and confident person, I
was very quiet and would prefer to keep to myself.  No one
really knew me for me.  I guess people thought I wasn't
interested in knowing them either, which wasn't true, I had
just experienced a lot of jealousy and deception from people,
including family members in the past, so I thought it better to
keep myself to myself.

I put the program on repeat every night and as we were
allowed to use headphones at work, I'd listen to it, as well as
having copied the suggestions into the Think Right Now Software
which I also had at work.

Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

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After just nine days of using the program I had my going away
party.  I'd invited 12 people, most of whom just a week before
said they were not sure if they could make it.  I actually lost
all nervousness in the days coming up to the do and was happy
and not worried about people showing up or not, but on the day,
I was surprised that after having only invited 12 people, 24 of
my coworkers turned up, even some that I'd forgotten to invite.
The restaurant had to get 2 extra tables put together to
accommodate all of us and we all had a really nice time.

I have been using this program for 3 months now and I have no
doubt that the Win Friends and Influence People cd has changed
my perception to people and the world's perception to me.  I now
notice that wherever I go people go out of their way to help me
and to be really pleasant, helpful and just generally say nice
things to me; it is like a whole new world.  Even the way
strangers treat me over the phone is so pleasant, caring, honest
and nice.

I'm very grateful in the work you are doing to not only change
but make it easier for people to recondition behavioral
Thank you so much



M.B.:  Maria's story also reminds me of a stat I heard years
ago that said only about 1 out of 15 people has what it takes to
be an effective salesperson.

Reasons?  Of them many, fear of rejection.

Well, heck, if more people in sales (and most people in
general) were more concerned about helping their prospective
customers through the benefits gained by the products they sell
than on what those customers thought of them or on what
prejudices they (the salespeople) were burdened with, more
people would buy from them and they'd have more and/or closer

Like them first, and they'll like you back.


Mike Brescia


P.S.  Our current special is for every 3 Think Right Now
programs you get AT THE SAME TIME, you get 1 absolutely fre*e...
as in no charge.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
And remember, double programs count as 2 toward your 3.

P.P.S.  Part of our program, Accelerated Sales Success Now
concentrates on instilling in you this mental pattern of
looking for the good in people.  That is a big reason why the
people who use it see such dramatic surges in their sales and
actually start liking their jobs.  How about that... making more
dough and liking it... If that sounds like fun to you, jump on
the bandwagon and start partying with our band of Powerful


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customers, we will reward those who help us!  Send a detailed
success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant
Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio
of your choice. You only pick up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
immediately. Brilliant!

To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
changes/benefits you received. Please be descriptive of the
benefits. If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com  and tell us your
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Caramba! They work!
Mike Litman,
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