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Detailed TRN case study

Hello my friend:

This story came in at the end of January, but I just read it
today, though, for the first time.  It's so remarkable I had to
send it to you right away.


Dear Mike,

For the past 15 years, I have suffered from post-traumatic
stress, along with anxiety and depression as a result of severe
and prolonged childhood sexual and ritual abuse.  Over the
years, I have been in and out of therapy and have attempted to
deal with my issues in a variety of non-medicinal ways, with
varying degrees of success.

About 4 months ago, I started into a downward spiral of anxiety
and depression, and although I attempted to use the things I had
always used in the past (homeopathy, acupuncture, prayer,
meditation, talk therapy, SAD lamps, Bach flower remedies etc),
this time, it wasn't working.  One night, feeling desperate, I
'Googled' depression, wondering if there was something new out
there, which I had not thought about before, and your website
was the first to come up.  Talk about an answer to a prayer!

I really liked what I read:  your story, your research into the
unconscious thought processes, attitudes and beliefs of highly
successful people.

I liked the thought of altering the mental triggers that create
emotions and control attitudes and actions.  I really
appreciated the focus on letting go of negative scripting, in
order to be able to accept new thoughts, ideas, beliefs and
attitudes, and then add empowering new beliefs, attitudes and
emotional triggers.

Reading the information on your website felt intuitively right.
I immediately ordered Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now, Freedom
from Depression Now, Infinite Joy Now, and the Think Right Now
for Windows. 
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog.asp 
 I also signed up for your free daily newsletter.  When the CDs
came, I played them day and night.  For the first time, I
appreciated being woken up to use the bathroom several times in
the middle of the night, because I could listen to several CD's
each night!

Because you mentioned that there could possibly be a temporary
increase in symptoms, I tracked my progress day by day. 

The first day, I became quite anxious, angry and resentful and
found myself rocking back and forth. 

Day 3 saw me eating too much sugar, to cope with the flooding
of emotions.  And after that it was clear sailing!

Day 4 saw me making phone calls I had been putting off for too
long and preparing materials for a meeting at the last minute,
with a minimum of panic or resentment.

By Day 11, I began to see possibilities of setting and
achieving goals, which gave me back my hope and optimism; and I
resumed an online course which I hadn't taken for several years.

By Day 13, I realized I had no right to see myself as poor, and
became more conscious of the calories in the food I was eating.
I was talking to someone who was full of negativity, and didn't
spiral down into helplessness with her, which I would have done

On Day 14, I was assertive at a meeting: stating my needs
clearly and with focus.

On Day 15, I spoke to someone with great eloquence about a
subject I am passionate about, knowing that I had a right to my
opinion, and making it known.

On Day 16, despite feeling anxious, sad, paranoid and guilty, I
was able to clearly ask for what I needed and when the person
was unable to give it me, I didn't feel resentful, but looked
for another way to solve the problem.

On Day 17, I was able to gracefully receive and be grateful for
several significant opportunities and gifts which came my way.

On Day 20, I applied for a job which would have used my skills,
talents and abilities, instead of minimum wage jobs, and
although I didn't get it, I accepted that with grace and a
determination to try something else.

By Day 21, I was making better decisions on what to eat, was
starting to lose wei*ght and feel healthier and continued to
move from strength to strength.  Sure, I've had my share of mood
swings, but didn't get stuck in the negative emotions.  They
just seemed to wash away.

By Day 54, I applied for a 3 month contract in China, and two
months later, I am signed up for a course to teach English as a
Second Language, and plan to leave in another couple of months.

After 4 months of listening to the CD's day and night, I am
confident in writing to tell you that the changes in me are
nothing short of miraculous.  It is so wonderful to be reclaiming
my life, and to have hope again.  People have commented that
they can see that the light is back in my eyes, and it is good
to have external affirmation of the positive changes.

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for your excellent
products and your helpful staff!

Susan Gammage


M.B. Quite a series of events... and all of us, not just people
who've suffered from severe abuse have our own very real blocks
and what appear to be conditions that prevent great achievements
and happiness.

But with the help of Think Right Now Accelerated Thought &
Behavior Modification Programs, many people no longer have to
hang onto those limitations.  They can begin to TRULY see them
for what they really are... legitimate sounding excuses that
really aren't legit.  They are just challenges to be overcome. 

Awesome story.

Mike Brescia

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To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
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