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2007 Recent Articles

May 3, 2007

I'll bet their jaws hit the ground

Hello my friend:

One of the biggest reasons that people lose motivation to do
anything is that when the going gets tough, when decisions get
hard, when temptations arise, it's natural to focus squarely on
the pain you feel... and quit.

Because reaching massive success always takes sacrifices and a
willingness to endure pain and strain (even if the pain is only
in your mind).

That's why a fair number of people say that when they start
using Think Right Now programs for the very first time, they
actually feel or perform worse before they improve.

Why, you ask...

It's because, when the new empowering beliefs, attitudes and
action commands are listened to and read as directed, those
statements can smack you silly, because they are usually the
polar opposite to what you believe and how you act now.  Hey,
TRN programs do not waste time pussy-footing around.  They get
to the point and press it.

So, there can be some resistance... anxiety that you don't feel
with books, lecture-based audios and seminars.

Why don't you feel anxiety from books, lectures and seminars?

Because most people give up when they feel it.  And a book
won't force growth on you.

But Think Right Now! Accelerated Thought Modification Programs
push you through that pain because each one of them just hammers
away and hammers away at your problem attitudes and unconscious
limitations.  You can't fight it.

As long as you keep listening and taking 5-10 minutes a day to
read 10-15 statements, they just keep hammering away at your
limiting conditioned mental patterns. 

Hey, it might not be fun or pretty, but pretty soon (usually no
longer than a week or two) they help you move past the

And then it's fun!

Here's what high school runner Bud Hennekes had to say about


I ordered Unstoppable Motivation Now to help me become a
better Cross Country runner for my High School.  I am a decent
athlete but by no means Varsity level (As I run for one of the best programs in the Nation).  Every time one of our Varsity runners
gets a good PR (Personal Record) I can't help but notice the sheer motivation they have to give it the best they had on that given race.

Recently I went through a period of time, where I had no
motivation.  I couldn't make any work outs, I would fall off on
easy jogs, stuff I could easily do in my sleep.  After months of
trying to fix it (often coming up with excuses on why I wasn't
running well, injuries etc.) I realized all I needed was some
good motivation!

Being skeptical I ordered Unstoppable Motivation hoping it
would get me out of my rut.  I was desperate, I'd try anything.
When I first received your cd, I listened to it every night for
two weeks.  During those two weeks my running became worse!  But
every night I would go to bed telling my self, I had the
motivation to be successful.

Around two weeks of using the cd, I was about ready to call it
quits.  Another scam.  Another waste of my time.  But out of no
where I got on fire.  I began leading work outs with ease.
Enjoying every moment of it.  I improved in the mile by over 30
seconds!  From 5:25 to 4:54!  It was amazing!  I am still going
strong and continue to listen to it every night.

Right now we are on a two week break, but I can't wait to run
again, and show every one what I got!  Varsity you better watch
out!  I'm not going to lie.  At first I thought this was going to
be another guy just out to make a quick buck or two, but your
products really do work!  I want to personally thank you!

Bud Hennekes, TX


Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.

Mike:  You da man, Bud!  Keep it up and you'll be achieving new
personal bests in every area of your life for years.  I'll bet
you left everyone with their MOUTHS WIDE OPEN when the news got
out that you knocked 31 seconds off your personal best in the

Holy %#^*!  31 seconds!  Incredible...

That's the power of the mind when it's focused like a laser.


If YOU want to be 'da man' or 'da woooman,' think about the
logic here.  Imagine a new future where you own hundreds of new
motivated, confident, success-oriented beliefs and attitudes
that make practically anything possible for you. 


I love you all!

Mike Brescia

P.S.  Gander at tons more jaw dropping successes at
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/success.asp  
And that's just a small fraction of them.

P.P.S.  Our current special is for every 3 Think Right Now
programs you get AT THE SAME TIME, you get 1 absolutely fre*e...
as in no charge.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com

Get a complimentary program!
In order to pass on 'best practices' to other subscribers/
customers, we will reward those who help us!  Send a detailed
success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant
Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio
of your choice.  You only pick up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
immediately. Brilliant!

To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
changes/benefits you received. Please be descriptive of the
benefits. If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com  and tell us your
choice of audio. We'll then take care of shipping it to you.

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"I'm calling Think Right
Now! programs THE
self-help products for the
next millennium.  Aye
Caramba! They work!
Mike Litman,
#1 Best-Selling Author, 'Conversations with


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