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2007 Recent Articles

May 2, 2007

10,000 rotten ones spoil a life

Hello my friend:

In our continual research for new product creation (we've got
some stuff coming out in the next few months that will blow your
mind), we are always looking at the core differences between the
doers in life and the watchers, the whiners and complainers from
those who go after what they want, the indifferent from the

The watchers have a general 'I can't' or 'It can't be done'
attitude, living life in fear of what everyone will think.

For every accelerated thought modification program we create,
in fact, we identify 400, 500, 600 and up to 1,000 rotten
beliefs, attitudes and actions and more (pertaining ONLY to the
topic we are creating the program for!) that are completely
opposite to the beliefs of the best of the best in that area.

Because you should have no doubt that success at anything
begins and ends with your thoughts.

Thoughts are things. (Ever wake up from a dream scared out of
your mind? Only thoughts!)

Every great philosopher throughout history taught to pay
attention to your beliefs because they guide you.

Great advice, but...

Hard to follow.

You see, people can't even conceive of feeling differently
about things that you have strong opinions on (that probably
aren't true).

Yeah, people think they HAVE to feel the way they do.

'You'd feel the same way as me if X happened to you!' is what
we see in our research.

Average Joe on the street doesn't BELIEVE IT'S POSSIBLE TO

So JUST ABOUT EVERYONE lives every moment in reaction instead
of bravely making each day look the way they want it to look.

Hmmmmm.  I didn't want to do this but we got an email last week
from some guy and he said I just don't believe you can change
anything by changing your thoughts, and I don't think you can
change my thoughts.

Heck, I didn't want to do this because it's severe, but...

...I can change your thoughts in seconds. 

Be warned...

This might hurt.

Quick, think of someone you love who died.  Remember the pain
of losing them.  Or think of the most horrible event in your
life... something terribly painful, gut wrenching.  Think of the
thing you are most afraid of.  Make it big in your field of vision.

Thoughts ARE things, aren't they?

And they affect your decisions and action.

OK, I don't want you to stay in that state...

Now think of something happy, a win, a victory, your best day
ever.  Think of when 'he' or 'she' said yes!  The great day at
the beach, the standing ovation you got, the award, the birth of
your child, the day you were told 'You're hired!'  Imagine these
things as movies in your mind with 360 degree surround sound.

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All just thoughts.

You see, what you pay attention to is what your emotions run on.

The secret to winning in life every single day... in order to
have the life you dream of is to habitually, without even your
having to think about it, have your attention focused on success
oriented thoughts and actions and what is right instead of
thinking failure and what is wrong.

The challenge?

People will read this and say, 'Yeah, but, I can't help it.
It's not possible to change my thoughts.  My pain is not my

Look, Behavior Modification is not more 'how to'... It's not
'do this, do that.'

It's not.

It's thought modification... adding new thought patterns, it’s
telling yourself the old ones are gone, kaput.

It's reframing your old beliefs, attitudes and how you see
different situations.

Throughout every Think Right Now program you will hear first
person commands that tell you that you are bigger than 'Problem
X', that you have risen above 'Problem Y' , that 'Problem Z' is
only in the past, that 'Habit M' is only in the past, that you
have replaced 'Rotten Habit R with Great Habit S'.

That is called Releasing or Clearing and if done enough times
over a long enough period while calm, relaxed or sleeping
(listening and/or reading) it clears it out... frees you of the
habitual thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors.

Whether you believe it or not... it's a principle, like
breathing or beating your heart.  You don't try to beat your
heart, it just happens.

Your goal must be to free yourself of your limiting beliefs,
attitudes, emotions and actions that do not support you and to
install new ones that do.

And you can't get that from a book, a patch or a pill.

I love you all!

Mike Brescia

P.S. No, you can't get any of that from a patch, a pill or a
powder.  But you can get it from every Think Right Now
Accelerated Thought & Behavior Modification Program! at:
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com

Get a complimentary program!
In order to pass on 'best practices' to other subscribers/
customers, we will reward those who help us!  Send a detailed
success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant
Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio
of your choice.  You only pick up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
immediately.  Brilliant!

To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
changes/benefits you received.  Please be descriptive of the
benefits.  If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com and tell us your
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