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More on why self-help usually does not

Hello my friend:

In the 1990s I was an independent bookseller. I sold
cookbooks, gardening books, kids storybooks, kids educational
books, games, music, self-help books, NY Times bestsellers and
many other genres.

Many of the books were how-to books... all kinds.

It made me feel good to think that I was giving people
information that would actually make their lives better... that
I was helping to give them information that they wanted.

But statistics say that only 1 in 20 people who ever buy a how-
to book, tape, video or who go to a seminar will ever read
listen or watch the whole thing. The percentages are even
smaller for those who truly invest themselves in the information
and master it.

That was my M.O. as well...

I read, I listened, I watched, I attended.

I even worked at it.

But it didn't 'sink in.'

It didn't change how I felt. It didn't change how I thought.
And it didn't change how I acted.

My habits of thinking, feeling and acting seemed to be set in

That is how most people are.

Have you ever heard the old cliché, 'You can't teach an old dog
new tricks.'??

Do you know why old dogs and old people don't learn new tricks
as quickly or as easily as young dogs and young people?

It's because we all have these things called habits.

The things we believe to be true (even if they're completely
false) are nothing more than habits. The wrong ones can limit
our creativity and our ability to grow and adopt to changing
surroundings and new realities.

Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.

'The world is flat.'
'The Boston Red Sox will never win the World Series.'
'The Earth is the center of the universe.'
'She must be a witch.'

'I have a chemical imbalance so drugs are the only answer.'
'I'll always be fat.'
'I cannot quit this habit.'

All self-limiting beliefs and attitudes can be placed in 11
main categories. They touch everything we do all our waking
hours... and many of our sleeping hours as well.

There are so many subjects - but I'll choose one for this

Food... an emotional issue for most people.

In cases where a person weighs too much or is in poor
health/has a disease, they are often told to change their diet.
Great advice. They are often told exactly what to eat and how
much to eat. There is a lot riding on it.

But usually... they don't follow the advice.


They will not. They will not because...

They can't.

They cannot follow the advice that could save their lives.

Here's why...

1) Self-Image - this is who I am, this is how I eat.
2) Failure Magnified - failures are mentally magnified and
given life through attention, making success feel impossible,
causes hopelessness
3) Blame - not feeling responsible/blaming outside influences
for failures/situations
4) Doubt - disbelief in your ability to succeed/get job done
5) Positive Anchors - positive feelings/associations to
(foods, restaurants and tastes) that do not support your goal
6) Negative Anchors - negative feelings/associations to
(foods, people and tastes) that are supportive toward achieving
your goal
7) Worry - focusing primarily on what is not perfect/what
could go wrong (tastes, textures, colors, missing out) and
8) Job Is 'Huge' - the inability to mentally 'chunk down'
responsibilities into easy to handle individual tasks -
precursor to doubt (the rest of my LIFE doing this?!)
9) Mistakes Are 'Huge' - blowing up to the impact of mistakes,
setbacks, delays
10) Disasterizing - mental focus/looping of the worst possible
11) Physical Symptoms - disease, shaking, panic, sleep
problems, digestive problems caused by negative stress.


The 11 mental patterns of failure.

Plug these patterns into every area of your life (big or small)
where you've had failures and you'll see that combinations of
some/many of these are the cause for all of them.

This is how our minds work.

Pills won't change it, food won't change it, well-meaning
advice won't change it, knowledge won't change it.

Go to http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog.asp and click on any

In all those categories, when you elevate the quality of your
mental habits... your automatic, unthinking responses that just
'happen' without your conscious control, your emotions and your
actions will automatically become the way you want them...

You will almost magically be able to do the things you want to
and get the results you want to get with seemingly little or no

That's what Think Right Now Accelerated Behavior Modification
Programs do.

So if you've got a couple of books on your shelves that you
think are going to make all the difference in your life, you
MIGHT be right.

They MIGHT make all the difference...

...IF you have the right stuff inside that drives you.

Then and ONLY then will your new knowledge be valuable.

Go to http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog.asp and read about
what we identified as the right stuff.

It's fascinating.
Love you all!

Mike Brescia

P.S. Our current special is for every three programs you
order, you get one at no charge at all! So hurry over to
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com to take advantage of that special.

P.P.S. Great letter...


I wanted to let you know about the wonderful changes in my life
that have happened since I have started using Dissolving Panic
and Anxiety Now!

A wonderful sense of well being, focus, and inner drive for
excellence has returned - and I'm relaxed. I teach music at a
local college: music theory and composition for soundtracks for
films. It is critical that I be able to inspire others and pull
them out of their writers block when it hits them ... but who or
what helps me? Good question.

I have been smiling on the outside and grappling with blackness
and shapeless terror for sometime - and I could not really put a
finger on the cause or the cure. Through daily use of your
material, several times a day at first, the blackness began to
lift. Then I began to see the cause and was able to address the
'real' issues and dispel the fantasy shapes that had come to
plague me. Now I'm sailing high and my personal creativity has
returned and my students are really very happy with me because I
don't have to work 'hard' any more to inspire them. Sometimes a
smile, or a gesture is all that is needed as I now exude a
confidence that was lacking before.

Thank you for your CD - It is a life saver.



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To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
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changes/benefits you received. Please be descriptive of the
benefits. If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com and tell us your
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"I'm calling Think Right
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Mike Litman,
#1 Best-Selling Author, 'Conversations with


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