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The highest motivator of all

Hello my friend:

As you better know, there are 22 core mental patterns that
drive everything that we do from the time that we are born till
our final breath.

In the motivation pattern, there are three PRIMARY drivers of all
immediate action (or inaction).

The first one is desperation...

This motivator kicks in when you absolutely positively have to
do something. In long-term scenarios this motivator kicks in
when your doctor says, for example, 'If you don't stop (or
start) doing XYZ, then you aren't going to be here in another
six months.'

That's desperation... And it is a strong motivator.

The trouble is, it takes desperation to get most people to do
what they should do just to get by. It takes a tragedy or
impending tragedy to get the average person to get going on
their most important priorities.

Here are the PRIMARY areas of a person's life:

* Social relationships
* Family relationships
* Career
* Financial
* Physical health and fitness
* Spiritual
* Education
* Mental health/happiness

TASK: Take just a couple seconds for each item above, and ask
yourself if you feel truly fulfilled, complete and satisfied in
this area.

TASK: Look at each item above again and ask yourself if you are
moving in the direction you would like to be moving in this area
of your life.

If you are not fulfilled and are not moving in the right
direction in more than a few of these areas, you are probably a
person who, much of the time, is driven by desperation, meaning
that it takes agitation or a tragedy to get you moving on
important decisions and actions. For example, in the financial
area, it might take a bankruptcy or the loss of a job to get you
to think about your finances. An example of a person motivated
by desperation in the social and family arena is if your words,
decisions and/or actions cause you and your family, friends,
acquaintances or co-workers a great deal of emotional pain.

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The second primary motivator is inspiration...

This is a higher level of motivation.

When a person has INspiration, they are moved to take action to
get an outcome they DO WANT in the short term versus being moved
to avoid an outcome they DON'T WANT (desperation).

This kind of motivation happens when you set a goal and you've
identified what you'll get if you achieve the goal. This can be
very powerful. A typical example of this is when somebody tries
to drop a whole lot of extra weight in a hurry for specific
events or various times of year, like weddings, high school
reunions or for bikini season.

But a higher motivator is purpose...

Purpose, or mission, is the highest level of motivation.

While both inspiration and desperation can force you to pop a
breath mint before a meeting, it is purpose that makes you take
care of your teeth by brushing and flossing everyday. Purpose
ensures that you are always prepared for anything that comes
your way.

See the difference?

Fear of failing a test can force you to study all night long.
That is desperation.

Spending extra time working on a project that you truly enjoy
and/or if there is a short-term and very desired benefit is

But when your words and actions are all directed by a deep
sense of purpose, keeping your eye always on multiple benefits
and on multiple positive outcomes, being driven by long-term
results, long-term implications and by legacy is what separates
the average and good from the truly great.

When your thoughts and your core mental patterns are influenced
by purpose and mission, you have true POWER over yourself... so
you never need willpower and you will be hundreds of times less
likely to be victimized by others.

This power transcends IQ, color, who your parents are, where
you grew up... It is the highest power you could have.

The three thought and behavior modification programs we have
that, together, are designed to drive anyone toward living a
fulfilling, exciting life of purpose, mission and greatness are
Effective Time Management Now, Unstoppable Motivation Now
and Setting & Achieving Goals Now.

In these programs you will learn the moment by moment thoughts,
attitudes, beliefs and action habits found in the most effective,
purpose driven people who ever lived.

If you have been exposed to writings about effectiveness, goal
setting, motivation and time management, but haven't been able
to turn the corner, use these programs to drive into your mind
the ideas you've heard about.

Do it now and you'll be on the road to greatness.

I love you all,

Mike Brescia

P.S. These programs and others at
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog.asp do something no
other personal development programs on earth do... they install
in your mind the patterns of thought, belief and action found in
the best of the best. Don't let another day go by without
learning how to think like a champion in every area of your life.

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