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Can steel-trap willpower be learned?

Hello my friend:

This morning, as I was mixing up one of my green shakes that
has in it practically every kind of grass there is, my son
Mickey said to me, 'Do you like that?  I don't.'

I told him that I know a lot of people wouldn't like the taste,
but to me, it doesn't taste good or bad.  Then I told him that
even if it did taste bad I would still drink it, because it
gives me energy immediately and enhances the health of every
cell in my body.

I explained that if you want things in life, whether those
things are possessions, relationships with others, health or
opportunities in every area of life, you have to do what's

Then my wife, Sherry spoke up and said that on a 90° hot summer
day, just like anyone else she would enjoy polishing off a big
bowl of ice cream, but that ice cream doesn't play a role in her
being healthy, being energetic or in her being at the weight she
wants to maintain.

That, she told him, is the reason that she always chooses to
drink water in those situations, because water supports her in
all those goals and does a much better job in cooling her down.

This discussion made me think about the definition of the word
motivation.  There might be a thousand ways to describe the
words motivation and inspiration, but at the root of any
explanation is the word, 'why.'

Whenever a person stops paying attention to the important
reasons (the 'why') for doing a thing and for doing it in a
specific way, motivation, inspiration and commitment are
immediately wiped out.

But when you can effortlessly keep your attention focused on
positive benefits for doing something and doing it correctly and
the negative consequences for doing something incorrectly or not
at all, motivation becomes completely effortless.

You simply become and stay motivated... end of discussion.

Whenever you see someone who is in extraordinary physical
shape, for example, they simply pay attention more often to the
issues related to their health, fitness, strength and energy.
And so they choose to do the things that benefit them the most.
And they don't fight it at all.  They feel no great sense of
loss in missing out on second helpings or big desserts.  To
physically fit people, exercise is a joy, not a punishment.

The same is true for money.  People who have more of it simply
pay more attention to things that affect their financial health,
so they take the appropriate actions and make the appropriate
decisions when they need to be made.  And they do it without

Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

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When we created Unstoppable Motivation Now, it immediately
started revolutionizing thousands of people's lives.  It installed
hundreds of unconscious thought, belief and attitude patterns
that we discovered to be in the most accomplished people in
every kind of endeavor.

Meshing Lozanov's Accelerated Learning/Suggestology research
that helps people of all ages learn and remember factual data at
lightning speeds also works like magic to help people learn and
remember core beliefs, attitudes and the actual moment by moment
thoughts found in people who live every moment of their lives
with a never-say-die attitude, no matter what they are doing.

And most importantly, unlike simply hearing a lecture or
reading a book, Unstoppable Motivation Now works to trigger the
right thoughts and attitudes when they need to be triggered...

... in moments of decision.

Because if there weren't dozens of delightful distractions and
exciting temptations around us at all times, there wouldn't be
any need for motivation.  Everyone would always do what they
needed to do when they needed to do it.

Isn't that so?

If you routinely achieve every goal that you set for yourself,
then just keep doing what you're doing.

But if you want to achieve more in every area of your life...

If you want to be tops in your field...

If you want to be able to stay motivated to achieve whatever
you want to achieve whenever you want to achieve it, without
temptation or distraction...

...then Unstoppable Motivation Now can turn your world around
like nothing you've ever dreamed of.

Get it now, use it like it matters and you will become a


I love you all,

Mike Brescia

PS.  Just like a hammer makes pounding nails a lot easier,
Unstoppable Motivation Now makes getting and staying inspired to
reach all of your biggest dreams easier than you ever dreamed
Get it NOW and you will marvel at your own increasing
determination and will power.


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our Think Right Now! or Instant Inner Power audio programs, you
can choose any Think Right Now! or Instant Inner Power audio
program of your choice.  Just send an email with your story and
you get an audio of your choice - simple.  You only pick up the
tiny shipping & handling.  As soon as we get your story, we'll
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To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

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Your name:
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Please be descriptive of the benefits.

We now do this in order to pass on 'best practices' to other
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Just send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com  and give us
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