Sales Tools &
Click-by-Click Instructions


Today Is Your Day To Win

** Promotion letter  (Below)

6-Day Accelerated Success Course


Pre-Written Ezine Ads for your ezine

How to link directly to a product page

How to conceal your affiliate link... for FREE

Think Right Now! Promotion Letter

Click here to get the letter

Are you ready to make some big money with less than 30 minutes of actual effort?

Then onward to our most powerful and fastest sales maker... the endorsement letter.

...It's the fastest way to get possibly hundreds of sales within 24-72 hours, and it takes only a few minutes to implement.

Why does it work so fast?

Because personal endorsements from people we trust are powerful motivators.  We all feel better about buying things that are recommended by trusted advisors and friends than we do from people who have no connection to us at all.

Our friends wouldn't intentionally steer us wrong, so more times than not, we take their advice over people who might even know 100 times more about a particular subject.

Crazy? Sometimes, but that's the way we humans are.

So an endorsement letter from you leverages the trusting relationship you already have with your customers, subscribers and friends.  They trust you, and will follow your advice.

It's quick, it's easy and it works like nothing else.

Where an ad in an ezine may get, say... 200 clicks and a .5%-1% closing ratio, an email from the same ezine publisher personally endorsing the same product could get 1200 clicks with a 3-5% closing ratio...

So let's compare the two:

Ezine ad: .5%-1% of 200 clicks = 1-2 sales

Personal endorsement: 3-5% of 1200 clicks = 36-60 sales

In this example, at $20 commission per sale, you could make $1,200.00 instead of your little $30-$70 for an ad.

And that doesn't include all the back-end sales (and commissions) from the initial buyers AND from those people who only subscribed to our newsletters at first.

We'll sell them later (And you'll get the commissions, of course).

I should mention, of course, that these numbers can be much higher depending on the size of your list.

See the power?

Good.  Prove to yourself that you can take the actions that are guaranteed to make you lots of money fast.

Do it now.

Most affiliates in any affiliate program (and many of our affiliates are no different) never do what they should do.  They try to recreate the wheel. They do what is "comfortable".

Don't do that.  Do what is profitable instead.

Do what you should do...

And do it now.

72 hours from now, you will arrive along with everyone else.

Will you have gotten a flurry of "You Made A Sale!" notices?

You will... IF you take action now.

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a success. Imagine how it will feel. Imagine the satisfaction.  Imagine it now.

Well, you know what to do. 

Let's send a letter, shall we?

Your Click by Click Instructions

To get your pre-written promotion letter:

1) Click here to get the letter.

3) Highlight the text, Copy it  (CRTL C)

4) Paste it into your text editor  (CRTL V)

5) Add your own personalized fields as your email broadcast program requires it (ie. customer's first name, etc.)

6) Add something personal at the beginning of it.  If necessary, change any wording that you believe needs to be changed.

7) Adjust formatting, if necessary

8) Insert your affiliate link and promo code where the links need to go (call our office at 1-315-436-3057 to get the promo code for the discount given to your subscribers):

9) Paste the finished letter into your email program

10) Send it to your customer/subscriber list very, very early in the morning or very, very late at night before you head off to sleep.  This will give you the maximum amount of time to get orders.

You'll notice that our endorsement letter is written in such a way that even if you don't have a subscriber or mailing list, you can send them to your personal friends and business contacts without sounding like some over the top hypey come-on.  This letter gets clicks and sales, but if you're uncomfortable with the letter like it is, just change it as you see fit.


Get more clicks and sales...
How to hide your affiliate link for FREE...

To get the most clicks through your links, I highly recommend hiding the fact that you are sending your readers through an affiliate link.

Here's what I mean. 

Which would you click on in an email?

or ??

It's clear, isn't it?

One says, "Hey, I'm making money on you!", while the other suggests that you are sharing valuable information with your readers without self-serving interests.

If you already promote products other than your own and you modify those affiliate links, ignore the rest of this page. You're already maximizing your income with no additional effort.

But if you don't modify your affiliate link, you're losing click-throughs and your commissions right along with it, and you should use this simple and FREE service to cloak your affiliate links.

Here's what you do...

Step 1)  Go to

Step 2)  Just paste your affiliate link (found in all your TRN affiliate related emails) into the form at the top of the home page, and click "Make Tiny URL".  It will generate your tiny URL.

That's it!!!

And yes, it's free!

Now just insert this link in the place where you would put your affiliate link.