Promotion Letter


Think Right Now! Promotion Letter

Ready to do more good in the world and earn a good amount of money in the process?


Below is the sales promotion letter we've used with great success.

All you have to do is make a couple tweaks to fit your situation, and voila, instant commissions.

Wherever it says (Your name/first name), just replace that with, you guessed it, your name.

The hyperlink marker in the letter (below) are where your unique affiliate url and the ad tracker code that calculates the a 10% discount for your visitors). Call my office at 1-315-436-3057 to set up a start date and end date for your promotion so your people can get their 10% discount.

When your readers click on your affiliate/promo link, your affiliate "cookie" will be set on their computer and you'll earn commissions on those people for the next 3 years, no matter what they buy from us.

And buy they will.

Now, for the letter...

The suggested beginning (below) is a nice way to start the letter. You can introduce me with the text below or use your own.

Then I suggest you not mess with it too much. It works pretty darn good the way it is.

The subject line that has worked the best for us is:

Today only... sorry.

That's the magic subject line. Today only... sorry.

That subject seems to work magically to get people to open their email when they know it's from someone whose ezine they're subscribed to and there's an obvious urgency.

No urgency means a low "Open Rate."

I've tested out a lot of subject lines over the years, and for promotions I've run endorsing others, this one slays all the rest by a wide margin.

Keep the letters of all but the first word in lower case, since many wacko s+p+a+m filters go after ALL capitalized words in the subject.

So without further ado, here's the sales promotion letter.

Your Click by Click Instructions

To get your pre-written endorsement letter:

1) Highlight the text, Copy it  (CRTL C)

2) Paste it into your text editor  (CRTL V)

3) Add your own personalized fields as your email broadcast program requires it (ie. customer's first name, etc.)

4) You may want to add something more personal at the beginning of it.  If necessary, change any wording that you believe needs to be changed.

5) Adjust formatting, if necessary

6) Insert your affiliate/promotion links after calling our office for the discount promotion link.  Call 1-315-436-3057 for the link.

7) Paste finished letter into your email program

8) Send it to your customer/subscriber list

You'll notice that our endorsement letter is written in such a way that even if you don't have a subscriber or mailing list, you can send it to your personal friends and business contacts without sounding like some over the top hypey come-on.  This letter gets clicks and sales, but if you're uncomfortable with the letter like it is, just change it as you see fit.


Get more clicks and sales...
How to cloak your affiliate links for FREE

I want to make sure you get all the sales you deserve. So, before you use our pre-written endorsement letter...

...I highly recommend hiding the fact that you are sending your readers through an affiliate link.

Here's what I mean. 

Which would you click on?


It's clear, isn't it?

One says, "Hey, I'm making money on you!", while the other suggests that you are sharing valuable information with your readers without self-serving interests.

If you already promote products other than your own and you modify those affiliate links, ignore the rest of this page. You're already maximizing your income with no additional effort.

But if you don't modify your affiliate link, you're losing click-throughs and your commissions right along with it, and you should use this simple and FREE technique to cloak your affiliate links.

Here's what you do...

Step 1)  Simply create a new blank page on your web site.  Give it any name you want... let's use think.htm for this example.

Step 2)  Look at the html of the page.  At the top of the html, between the <head> tags of your page, create a new blank line below the <title> meta tag.  Place the line of code (in the box below) into that blank line.

Here's the code.

Step 3)  Change the 83320 (in the meta tag above) with your own affiliate ID number (found in all affiliate related emails), and save the page.

Step 4)  Test it by getting on the 'Net and going to that page on your web site yourself.  It should forward you to our home page.

Step 5)  In your endorsement/promotion letter, send your readers to this page on your site.  When they click on any link to this page from an email or your web site, they will be redirected through this page (and your affiliate link) to our home page.

Important!!!  Depending on your visitor's Internet connection, they could be on this page for a second or two before they are redirected to  So it's a good idea to insert our logo, and a statement like, "Please wait while page loads" below the logo.

Use this logo for your page if you like. It's small and loads fast.

Nice colors, huh?

There.  You just guaranteed more clicks through your affiliate link... and more sales as a direct result.