Will you reach your goal this time?
Let's find out!

Hi.  I'm Mike Brescia, the president of Think Right Now! Int'l.  

I've spent the last 16 years studying people who were successful at reaching challenging outcomes.  I discovered that when they were successful, there were as many as 22 empowering core thought and belief patterns present (both conscious and unconscious) that were not present when they failed in previous attempts to reach the exact same goal.

By owning these root mental patterns of success you can significantly increase the likelihood of repeating your past successes and avoiding future failures 

But not having the thought patterns that lead to achievement puts you completely at the mercy of luck and circumstance... the formula for failure in any venture.

If you are serious about reaching your most pressing current goal, and about getting your desired outcomes in most other situations then you must take this short 4-minute quiz.

It is astonishingly accurate in its ability to eliminate the mystery about why people can be very successful in one area of life, but be a complete and total failure in another... or how someone can fail miserably to reach a goal a dozen times, yet succeed massively on the very next attempt.

In the next 4 minutes, you'll learn:

1) Why you failed to reach any goal in the past

2) Why you succeeded whenever you did

3) How to practically guarantee that you reach any outcome you desire in the future

Let's begin...

Right now, fix in your mind a specific goal or objective you would like to reach.  It could be:

» Physical or mental health related

» Career

» Financial

» Athletic

» Social

» Quitting a habit

You name it.  Plug in any goal or desire you like.

As you answer each of the questions below, keep your goal in mind.

When you are done with the quiz, there shouldn't be any doubt in your mind whether you'll reach your outcome or not.  

Good or bad, you'll know.  

And remember, this is a self-evaluation.  So you must be honest with yourself if you are to understand what may stop you from achieving success.

Ready... Go!


The Ultimate Success Quiz
Will you reach your next goal?

1) Do you truly see yourself as a person who has the goal you desire, who has the characteristics needed to keep it if you were to succeed in attaining it? Yes
2) At critical moments of decision, do you usually think about why you want the goal, giving you the strength to make the right decision?  Is making the right choices easy? Yes
3) Do you often visualize yourself as already having attained the outcome, seeing and feeling success in advance, as opposed to worrying about things not working out? Yes
4) Are you incredibly determined to succeed, completely willing to make even dramatic changes in your lifestyle to reach your goal? Yes
5) Do you really, honestly feel confident that you'll reach your objective in the time you've given yourself? Yes
6) Are you totally committed to continuing the daily actions, both big and small, that achieving your goal requires? Yes
7) Are you truly enjoying the challenge of reaching your goal? Is it fun as opposed to feeling like you're pushing yourself into doing something unnatural that you dislike? Yes
8) Are you taking all the time that's required to learn the new skills and/or steps necessary to reach your goal? Yes
9) When set-backs and delays occur do they feel tiny and insignificant, not slowing your belief and progress at all? Yes
10) Do your little daily "victories" make you feel like continuing the quest for your goal? Does each right decision and action feel important and keep you motivated to forge ahead? Yes
11) Do you find it truly easy to give up your habits or the things associated with your old way of doing things? Yes
12) Are you at complete ease with accepting the new life, habits, foods, routine or responsibilities associated with reaching your goal? Yes


Now, because each of these issues "weighs" with each individual differently in terms of how they affect your emotions and actions, it would be impossible to grade this quiz by the number of yeses you checked off.

Instead, right now look at your answers and gauge how you feel about them.  So go back and spend 5-10 seconds on each one, noticing how it feels knowing that this is the truth.

I will tell you that after taking this quiz, only about 2 in every 10 quiz takers report feeling very optimistic about reaching their objective.  And this is probably bloated, because statistics show that, if the goal will take any longer than a month to achieve, only about 1 in 20 people will actually reach it on their next attempt.

So after you evaluate your quiz, if you feel optimistic about your chances, congratulations.

If you feel depressed, then please make careful study of the thinkrightnow.com web site.  

You will learn how the revolutionary Think Right Now! Success Conditioning Programs work to condition into you the mental patterns of the people who are the best at what you want to do... 

...the exact patterns that would make each answer above "Yes".

Think Right Now! Success Conditioning Programs were created with one purpose in mind...

Helping you create fast, predictable and lasting success.  Even where nothing has ever helped you before.

































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