The #1 Most Visited Personal Development Site In The World*

"Think The Same Thoughts As The Most
Effective, Successful & Happy People, And
You'll Get Exactly The Same Results In Your Life."

You Can Now Replace Fear, Doubt & Frustration With Confidence, Drive
and Willpower... Even If Nothing Has Ever Helped You Before


Hello New Internet Friend,

First, I'll make you a promise.

I promise that you have never experienced ANYTHING like what you are going to learn about now.  Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs are a RADICAL departure from traditional personal development.

Think Right Now! programs don't attempt to teach you WHAT to do.  They don't explain how to get motivated.  They can't show you how to eat, how to get more done or how to persuade others. 

Instead, through a simple, proven, stress reducing (and famous) accelerated learning method, Think Right Now! programs "teach" you the actual thought processes, attitudes and beliefs of the people who are the best at those things already. 

A more accurate description would be that they install these automatic mental processes in you. 

They make you similar to the people that are already successful in these areas where it counts - IN YOUR THOUGHTS... 

Because they literally force you to THINK like a success. 

So instead of having just more facts in your head but no real faith, no drive, no will, no persistence, no determination... and thus no achievement, now you can have all those things and more with almost no effort.

And with these emotions controlling all your actions, you'll be many times more likely to get what you want than you are right now.

I told you these were different than anything you've ever seen!

And yes, I know that's a lot to promise.  Don't worry, I'll prove it.

"I'm calling Think Right Now! programs
THE self-help products for the next
millennium.  Aye Caramba! They work!"
Mike Litman, #1 best-selling author, 'Conversations with Millionaires'

See what others have to say about Think Right Now!

And no, they are NOT subliminal tapes.  You hear every single word on these life changing programs.

At this very minute, Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Audio Programs are helping tens of thousands of people all over the world to feel in ways they never have and do things they've never done.

Imagine being able to:

  • Hit your ideal weight and stay there forever without feeling miserable.
  • Exercise like a maniac and LOVE it.
  • Explode your personal sales and fall in love with prospecting.
  • Live every single day with passion and purpose no matter what your age.
  • Have more money than you could ever need.
  • Quit bad habits for good - and not miss them one little bit.
  • Become a goal achieving machine.

If you're like most people, you know WHAT you should do, but you feel unable or unwilling to do it. 

Think seriously about this for a moment...

Anxiety and fear strips away courage and makes great performances impossible.  Doubt makes even the best decisions feel difficult and causes procrastination.  Anger rips your focus away from your goals.  Frustration can only serve to make you quit.  Guilt makes it impossible to enjoy any successes you achieve.  Jealousy and envy create dishonesty, hate and corruption.

In reading that just now, did you notice that the only things that can truly stop you are your own thoughts and emotions?

Likewise, the only things that can launch you into doing, being and having anything you want in life are also your thoughts and emotions.

And until now, there has been no way at all to quickly, easily and predictably change your moment-by moment thoughts to be like those who easily do what you want to do.

Until now there has been no simple, easy and fast way to permanently change your inner dialog, to change how you think, to let go of your past programming, to release unsupportive emotions.

  • No "how-to" book will insert the motivation to get up after you keep falling down.
  • No lecture or seminar can implant unstoppable determination to do whatever it takes to succeed.
  • No punishment can guarantee that you'll stop doing what you've done most of your life.
  • No equipment can force you to take time to use it.
  • No patch, powder or pill can alter your behaviors.  All they can do is suck your bank account dry and leave you no more able to be successful on your own than you were before you got hooked on them.

Until now, there has been no way to predictably install all the qualities it takes to make a dream life.

But now there is...

They're proven.  They're powerful.  They've even helped people who felt hopeless for years to achieve remarkable, amazing things.


"This is an AWESOME way to cure
problems without beating yourself up..."

Think Right Now! has become a family affair for us. My 15 year-old son is listening to "Setting Goals" and it's been amazing. He's gone from an unmotivated youth in just 30 days to creating concrete goals that are realistic. He's saving his money for a car… He's got the job and everything. It's amazing. Some things just turn my head back around.

My husband is listening to "Freedom from Depression" and in less than 30 days, he's no longer immobilized for the entire day. He's able to bounce back within hours. He doesn't beat himself up repeatedly over mistakes, and he's able to enjoy his life more and more as we go on.

I'm currently listening to "Eating Healthy" and that has also been pretty amazing. The things that have bound me in the past, it's like a veil coming up and I'm able to detach myself from food and be able to just make conscious decisions, but not have it become the focus of my entire life.

This is an AWESOME way to cure problems without beating yourself up entirely as you go through it. I have recommended it to my daughters, to my mother, to anybody that I can possibly talk to. I think it's the most awesome thing in the world because our brains are constantly recording things.
      -Shay Freeman   Kansas City, MO

See what others have to say about Think Right Now!

Who Am I and How Can I Say This?

My name is Mike Brescia.  I'm the creator of the Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs.  I've helped thousands of people all over the world to quickly make the kind of changes in their thoughts and actions that rocked their worlds. 


  • So filled with fear, they couldn't leave their homes, but who now live full, rich lives
  • 50+ lbs. overweight who are now considered thin
  • Depressed to the point of suicide but turned themselves around
  • Who were slaves to cigarettes for 30+ years who quit in a month
  • Who couldn't talk their way out of a paper bag who've sold their way to financial success

But it wasn't always that way for me...

Back in 1987, after 6 years of failing in the working world, and even after 2 years of constantly reading training and motivation books and listening to tapes all the time, I hit rock bottom.  All that information and advice didn't change me.  I kept getting fired from $5.00/hr. jobs.

I was homeless, living in a 1978 Ford F-150 van, having endured an entire life of failure. 

So desperate, after spending months in a local book store reading every kind of self-help, business and psychology book available - the exact stuff that had failed me before - and still getting nowhere...

...I had a Eureka idea that would help change me into a focused goal achieving machine who loved to learn.

I took three effective, very popular, but hard to implement psychological change methods, available to everyone, and fused them together... 

Because they weren't available in a single product anywhere at any price...

What resulted were crude but effective audio-tapes that radically transformed me.  I went from a lifetime of failure, anxiety, depression and alcoholism to an internationally known business success in less than two years. 

The success I desired depended on self-belief, determination, willpower and persistence.

But there wasn't any.

...The audios created it.

And changes came like a lightning bolt.

Socially, physically, mentally, career... You name it, everything in my life changed, because I changed.

Ultimately, I became the highest paid sales executive in the entire world in two entirely separate industries working with Siemens and Reader's Digest.  

All because I had committed to doing just one thing...

hitting the "Play" button as often as I could.

So in 1997, after 10 years of extraordinary success and happiness, I finally decided to share the tools that created my success.

And because of the rapid, effortless and lasting changes these programs create in the many thousands of people who now use them, according to, is now the #1 most visited personal development site in the world.

That's right... most popular, bar none.

Here's the reason why...  Our current Accelerated Success Conditioning audios & software.

Dissolving Panic & Anxiety Now! I Am Smoke-Free Now!
Freedom From Depression Now! I Am Healed Now!
Setting & Achieving Goals Now! I Love Exercising Now!
Accelerated Sales Success Now! Eating For Excellent Health Now!

Think Right Now! For Windows


Unlike mere information-based training programs, TRN! audio programs force the inner changes that you crave, but haven't been able to make through any other means.

If you want to let go of anger, jealousy, resentment, fear, doubt, anxiety and depression, then read this whole site. 

Study it... 

And do what thousands of people in over 50 countries are doing... use a TRN! Accelerated Success Conditioning Program to start living some dreams. 

Do you want to be supremely confident?  Optimistic?  Motivated?  Enthusiastic?  Appreciative?  Determined?  Happy? 

Do you want the will and drive to do what you know you should do? 

Then try a Think Right Now! audio program and use it as prescribed. 

It will change you... 

You will feel empowered.  Your choices will be right a lot more often.  Your actions will take you toward greater and greater accomplishments. 

"I was a totally different person..."

Before receiving the TRN programs, I used to suffer from depression and anxiety for at least 8 years, where it seemed every day it was a struggle to get out of bed and just do the simplest of tasks. Before receiving my first CD a year ago, "Dissolving Panic & Anxiety" and also the Windows program, my belief was that I just needed to accept the fact I was always going to be depressed and stressed out in all areas of my life. But I listened to the tape constantly - every night - and within the first month I noticed a pretty big difference, feeling like a totally different person, no longer feeling stuck and being depressed. I was feeling more confident and my energy level started to go up. I was a totally different person with a new outlook on life. I own my own business and I'm now achieving my personal and business goals. My happiness is much more consistent with the Think Right Now! programs. Thank you so much for this great work, Mike. It totally transformed my life. I'm very grateful.
Joe Mastriona,  Denver, CO

See what others have to say about Think Right Now!

The Same You... Only Better

Each one is effective at producing profound changes in people because they alter the core-level mental "triggers" that create emotions, which control what your attitudes and actions will be.

Each of our Think Right Now! audio programs have hundreds of audible (you hear them) statements on them.  Those statements are laser focused to change your thoughts, emotions and actions to be exactly like the people who have already done what you want to do.  They do this by zeroing in on the 22 core mental habit patterns, which form the nucleus of successful outcomes of every kind.

So, for example, if you want to start an exercise program, but hate exercising, our program 'I Love Exercising Now!' will literally re-groove your core-level habitual, automatic "unconscious" thoughts and attitudes about exercising.  At first you'll simply endure it, then you'll put up with it, pretty soon you'll kind of like it and then before you know it you'll ultimately fall in love with working out in whatever way is appropriate for you.

All our success conditioning programs do this by re-training your brain and re-grooving the same 22 base mental patterns that control what you do and how well you do it.

  • Do you suffer from some form of depression?  Chronic?  Situational?  How about anxiety?  On medication for it?  Worried all the time?  It doesn't matter.  Got just the programs.  Hit the "Play" button and you will feel better - probably a TON better.
  • Are you lazy?  Unmotivated?  Scattered?  No strong purpose?  Got you covered.  Keep hitting the "Play" button...  And buy a sweat band.  'Cause you're going to change.
  • Want to lose 20 pounds?  100 pounds?  Great!  You couldn't do anything nicer for yourself.  Losing the weight this time will be more easier and more fun than you can even conceive.
  • You a smoker?  Tried to quit forever, but simply love it?  The only way you're going to quit is by changing what smoking "means" to you.   Just hit the "Play" button and join the ranks of the smoke-free before it's too late.
  • In sales?  If you need to prospect, present and close sales to earn your keep, remember this.  I was such a loser in sales, I had to move into a van.  But after committing to hitting the "Play" button as often as possible, I've now broken records in 4 completely different industries.  Even if you are a champion already, you can increase your number of calls, close more frequently and increase your order size.  Isn't that right?

A Mental Pattern?!

Here's what mental patterns are, and why they're so important to you.

A mental pattern is a "recording" in your brain tissue representing a memory of an experience you've had. 

Every single experience you have, through your senses of sight, taste, hearing, touch and smell is recorded as a memory in your brain tissue.  When you experience similar events over and over, your brain records a pattern for them.

Today, when you experience some event, your brain automatically, instantly searches its "library" of recordings, and within milliseconds, replays a patterned memory from a similar experience and you go on autopilot.

This is why you almost always feel and act in the same ways in similar situations. 

Mental patterns are the foundations of all our habits and personality traits.  Mental patterns make us "predictable."  We literally couldn't survive without them.  

Unfortunately, as important as mental patterns are to our survival, they can also make us feel and act in ways that don't support us in being our best.

Here are 3 very simple examples of common mental patterns that can limit a person's ability to succeed long-term:

1) A salesperson who, as a youth, was routinely treated harshly by other children may feel rejected personally many years later from simply missing a sale.  So on every call instead of excitement over a possible new business relationship, there is nothing but fear and anticipation of failure.  And this poor person can't figure out why.

2) A former smoker may feel an overpowering urge to light up when seeing an old smoking buddy or even visiting a place that simply looks similar to an old hangout where he used to smoke a lot.  And there is little he can do to stop the urge besides leaving.

3) An overweight person may have been given praise or rewards (like dessert) for eating everything on her plate as a child, creating a link in her system that food means pleasure, acceptance and love regardless of what contrary evidence she is presented with today.  So no matter what new "how-to get thin" book she buys, she's compelled to keep eating.

We all have literally thousands of unconscious patterns that control and guide our every thought, emotion and action... 

...Habitual mental patterns override logic.  They often don't seem to make any sense at all... but we are still controlled by them.


"I would have never believed that a change
in my thinking patterns would cause me
to be an entirely different person!"

I have now lost 65 pounds! I need another 10 - 15 lbs and will be at ideal weight! One year ago I was wearing a size 20 and now a size 8 to 10. That's incredible! And, I have had more success than I ever dreamed of at my job and a promotion that they begged me to take. I have never had that happen before. I have received over $5,000 increase in my salary - a bonus at the end of 2002 of 13% of my annual. And, a $3,000 bonus for taking a new job promotion! I would have never believed that a change in my thinking patterns would cause me to be an entirely different person!  Thanks, Mike - love to you and yours,
See my "before" and "after" pictures here!
-Candice Kirts      McCook Lake, SD

See what others have to say about Think Right Now!


Think Right Now!
gives YOU control

With effective cutting edge tools like you'll get in Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs, it makes no sense to be controlled by habitual mental patterns that you didn't choose... patterns that make you feel stupid... patterns that make success nearly impossible.

Now YOU can choose your guiding force...

Through the process that you are going to learn about now, you can literally install the same exact unconscious, automatic mental patterns that guide the best of the best.  This proven method will get you where you want to go no matter where you're starting from.

There are 3 components to all Think Right Now! audio programs that make them so effective at creating the changes that people want. 

They are:

   The 1st component of each TRN! Accelerated Success Conditioning Program is the audible delivery method used to install the new mental patterns.

   The 2nd component is the "releasing" statements on each audio. These audible statements force your mind/body to let go of your negative scripting so that you can accept the thoughts, ideas, beliefs and attitudes you'll need in order to be, do and have what you want.

   The 3rd component is the empowering positive statements on each audio.  These statements add empowering new beliefs, attitudes and emotional "triggers" that make achieving your desired outcomes simpler, easier and a whole lot more fun.  


Component #1
The Suggestopedic
Delivery System
You won't just hear the material... 
You will effortlessly  B - E - C - O - M - E  the material!

If these audios were just more advice, they wouldn't be any more effective than hundreds of other "me too" products that don't change how you think and act on a moment-by-moment basis. 

But Think Right Now! programs do something no other personal development programs in the world do...

They use a special format to deliver the re-scripting statements.

For over 40 years this completely effortless method, called Suggestopedia by its developer, famed Bulgarian psychotherapist Dr. Georgi Lozanov, has been the foundation of Accelerated Learning courses throughout the world.

Suggestopedia, introduced to most of the world in the best-selling book, Superlearning, has the effect of literally installing information into the subconscious mind, speeding retention of materials 5-10 times compared to standard teaching methods while radically reducing stress in the body at the same time.

  It is now being used extensively in universities in the US and throughout the world to help students effortlessly learn faster, more thoroughly and retain what they learn, as well as reduce exam anxiety.

  It is now being used all over the world to teach people up to 1,000 foreign language words per day, allowing them to become fluent in weeks and months instead of years.

  It has served as the basis for corporate training courses by companies such as Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, Bell-Atlantic, Eastman-Kodak, Westinghouse, and Safeway, to name a few.

  It has helped athletes win Olympic medals.

And Now It's Here To Help You
Get What You Want...

Each Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Program uses this time-tested accelerated learning system to condition the conscious and unconscious mental patterns that will allow you to rise above your current limitations and to embrace and achieve your goals... all at an accelerated rate.

And it's as easy as 1...  2...  3...

True to the original Suggestopedic format, Think Right Now! audios use:

 1)  A brief relaxation session at the beginning of each program, to produce the optimal state of mind for learning and retention

 2)  55-60 beat per minute music to further reduce stress while lowering brain waves into the alpha and theta levels

 3)  Special pace and repetition of the re-scripting statements to further speed internalization

"...he hasn't had a cigarette in 5 months."

"We have really benefited from the CD's on Quitting husband said it was the best he's heard. He smoked over 40 years and has done *everything* to try to quit.  ...he hasn't had a cigarette in 5 months. "
Flo Clark,  Chico, TX

See what others have to say about Think Right Now!

As you relax and drift off to sleep...

As you play any Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Program while you relax or drift off to sleep, your pulse will begin to automatically synchronize with the music and then...

...A growing number of your brain cells will begin to vibrate at a slow 8-12 cycles per second, relaxing you almost instantly. This lowered brainwave rhythm is known as the Alpha brainwave state, the key to heightened recall and accelerated learning.

Plus, when you play these amazing programs while you sleep, with their special pacing and repetition of the statements, they take advantage of your even deeper subconscious brainwave patterns...

...the Theta waves (4-8 cps), where deep emotional changes can occur with great speed.

The more often you play any Think Right Now! program while deeply relaxed or sleeping, the faster the new attitudes, motivation and actions you desire will come.


The Magic In The Music

Recently, a study was done at UC Irvine's Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

36 undergraduate students were given spatial reasoning tests on a standard IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test.

  • Before the first test, each student listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes 
  • Before the second test, they listened to a relaxation tape. 
  • And before the third test, they sat in silence. 

The average scores for all 36 students were 119 on the first test, 111 on the second and 110 on the third test.

This and many studies like it are irrefutable... slow, rhythmic "mathematical" 60 BPM music puts you into the perfect state of mind and body for learning new mental patterns like nothing else. 

What you hear on each Think Right Now! audio, is quickly internalized into the fabric of who you are.

So what is being internalized so quickly?


Component #2
Releasing Unsupportive Patterns 

To create each Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Audio Program, I research all the research.  We interview experts in the field, read all the text, interview our clients at length... we can compare the hundreds of differences in the core beliefs and attitudes between the people who habitually feel and act how they want to (in the specific setting)... and those who don't.

We usually find nearly 700 differences.

We don't miss anything.

Over the years, I've distilled this huge pile of differences down to 11 core mental patterns of failure that make successful outcomes nearly impossible.

So the affirming self-instructions you hear on each audio effectively scrambles and wipes out these 11 patterns.  And with repeated playing of any of these incredible programs while you're relaxing or sleeping, you literally can't go back to the way you were.

So you'll get your changes faster, easier and with less stress than you ever thought was possible.

To release disempowering mental patterns:

1)  Each audio program conditions your mind to let go of the self-image of a failure... a person who feels, "That's just who I am" when it comes to (name your challenge). "I AM a smoker." "I'm not good enough (to have the goal)."

2)  Every TRN! audio trains your mind to shrink any mental pictures of failures and fade them to black so that you can't play them the same way again. "If only I hadn't..." "All I think about is..."

3)  Each title, through repetition, frees you of any disempowering pattern of blaming your problems or failures on circumstances or other people.
"It's not my fault." "It's his fault."

4)  All audio programs individually re-program you to let go of "I can't" thoughts and beliefs. "I can't do it." "I can't change." "There's nothing I can do."

5)  Each audio alters your unconscious associations so that all those "attractive" things that can steer you from your goal simply won't interest you any longer "I've just GOTTA have a smoke!"

6)  Every TRN! audio re-grooves the tracks of your mind so that you feel totally accepting about the things you’ll need to do and of the people, places and things related to reaching your objective. "I hate prospecting." "Vegetables suck." "Investing is so boring."

7) Each title aggressively forces you to be free of any habit of focusing on fearful thoughts (worry) concerning all things related to your specific objective.  “I can’t decide what to do.”  

8)  All titles individually teach your brain to stop blowing up the "size" of tasks related to reaching your goal, and to "see, hear and feel" them as manageable. "This will take forever." "I've got SO much to do." 

9)  All TRN audio titles condition you to keep any mistakes, set-backs, delays and any undesirable unforeseen circumstances (related to your goal) in their proper perspective... they'll feel small and easily overcome.  “I can’t make a mistake or I’m done.”  “It’s over.”  

10)  Every audio scrambles your ability to "disasterize," to constantly focus on the worst that could possibly happen. 

11)  As appropriate, some audios train your mind/body to be less susceptible to physical illnesses caused by mental stress and strain.


"My sales have improved more than any
other sales rep in my company..."

I rarely lose a sale these days whereas I previously lacked confidence and credibility.  The CD has somehow helped me to develop an incredible rapport with my clients, my focus is 100% on providing the best solution for them.
Consequently they all seem to trust me and the order is assumed.  There is absolutely no dread of closing now.  It is no longer an issue.  There is no pressure on my clients and no pressure on me.
I now actually enjoy meeting new prospects and getting involved with their concerns.  I'm really not even thinking about my commission anymore which previously was my sole preoccupation -  totally self defeating obviously.
My confidence has grown now to such an extent that I have now formed my own corporation and will be training others to succeed as I have done.  I am recommending your Accelerated Sales Success CD to all our trainees.
    -Mike King   Sheerness, Kent,  United Kingdom

See what others have to say about Think Right Now!

I can't emphasize this strongly enough...

If you haven't been able to feel how you want to feel or do something that you want to do... then you must break free of some or many of the 11 unconscious thought patterns that cause the failure...

If you don't...'ll continue to fail and fail and fail, no matter how many information products and gadgets (band-aids) you buy.

But as it pertains to the subject handled, each Think Right Now! audio program will help you eliminate all traces of these patterns so that you will make the changes you want and you'll keep the change.

In fact, you won't find a product anywhere for any price that is so effective at helping you eliminate the internal struggles you feel when trying to make changes, no matter what they are.

Component #3  
Empowering New Patterns

While it's vital to stop being controlled by old, unsupportive patterns, that's only half the job done by each Think Right Now! program.  

It's not enough to simply lose your negative thought and belief patterns...

To make changes that last, you absolutely must develop positive ones to fill the void so you don't slip back into old patterns of feeling and acting - or develop new bad patterns.

One right after another, your mind is literally saturated with the most empowering, inspiring beliefs and self-instructions that fall within the 11 empowering mental patterns below. (And it will stick due to Component #1 above)

1)  Each TRN! audio conditions you to believe that you already are that person you are aiming to be... a person who has all the qualities needed to be, do and have what you want.

2)  Each title acts to re-direct your moment-by-moment mental focus so that your purpose is in front of you always. So you'll never again lose sight of why you're going after your goal.

3)  Every audio helps you to vividly imagine and feel what it will be like to succeed before it even happens in the material world.

4)  Each TRN! audio aggressively commands you to constantly focus your attention purely on the benefits of reaching for and attaining your objective... on everything you'll get out of it.

5)  Every single TRN! audio program transforms you into a person who is exploding with confidence (concerning the audio's subject) that you can and that you will succeed in reaching your objective.

6)  All TRN! audios shape your thoughts and unconscious mental "anchors" so that, concerning each audio's subject, you become a person hell bent on taking productive action. If there's a job to do, a decision to make or an obstacle to overcome, you're right there.

7)  Each Success Conditioning program molds you into a person who is always looking for and easily finds whatever is (or could be) enjoyable about the decisions and tasks related to your specific goal. Where others are whining, you're shining!

8)  Every audio reshapes your attitude so that you absolutely love to learn new things.

9)  Every title alters what problems, mistakes and setbacks mean to you. Each audio helps you to mentally shrink them and make them more manageable. All the titles individually force you to see challenges as inevitable - as just a necessary part of your journey to success.

10)  All titles lead you to constantly be aware of and deeply appreciate every possible benefit and reward you get from working toward and achieving your particular aim.

11)  Each TRN! program trains you to feel enormous excitement and ecstasy with every victory, no matter how small, on the way to achieving your ultimate goal.

" new found confidence and fearless
way of living will allow me to make
all my dreams come true..."

"I will never forget the first day I used the CD for panic & anxiety - June 9th!

I told my therapist about it and she thinks that it can only help me - so I have continued to use the programs.  I am now able to get through a day without feeling any sort of symptoms of panic or anxiety.  I used to have a very difficult time "talking" myself out of a bad attack.  And sometimes it would get really bad and I would need to take my medication.

Thank you so much for your products. Having tried everything under the sun to alleviate my symptoms without having to take any sort of "DRUGS" - your programs are turning into the only "medication" I need.  I hope to be panic attack free someday and as a result, my new found confidence and fearless way of living will allow me to make all my dreams come true - without fear or hesitation of succeeding. Thank you, Mr. Brescia. THANK YOU."
    -Carrie Carr   Inglewood, CA

See what others have to say about Think Right Now!

If you have tried "everything"...

If you have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on every method imaginable to make changes in your life... only to go back to the old ways of feeling and acting within days, weeks or months, it's because your old mental patterns were still controlling your thoughts and actions. 

That is why 99% of all self-help products, no matter how authoritative they seem, don't bring about lasting change.

Please stop kidding yourself with all the short-term, "go after the symptom, but ignore the cause" band-aid approaches.

Use a Think Right Now! program instead.

Each Think Right Now! audio will help you rapidly internalize the 22 core mental patterns of success found in the people who already feel and do what you want.  

When you own these thought and belief patterns, you practically can't fail to get what you want.


Because they form the foundational building blocks to all success oriented actions.

Without them success cannot last... if it ever happens at all.

Think Right Now! Programs Deliver

As you play any Think Right Now! title while you relax and as you sleep, there will be a cumulative effect on your emotions and your decisions.

The changes will create and build momentum...

...And you will change more.

Until Think Right Now!, there has been nothing that could so quickly instill the success producing beliefs of people who have already done what you want to do and allow you to get rid of your conscious (but especially your unconscious) limiting beliefs that stop you from doing what will make your goals a reality in your life.

You only need to use one to experience incredible changes.  

For every 3 tapes or CD's you order, 

you get another 1 FREE        

If you order ANY 3 tapes or audio CD's at the same time, you can get another one of equal or lesser value absolutely free.

In fact, for EVERY 3 audio tapes or CD's you order at the same time, you'll get 1 audio free. So an order of 6 gets 2 free, an order of 9 gets 3 free, etc.


Our 100% Satisfaction, Full 6 Month
Risk-Free Money-Back GUARANTEE

Our policy is simple.

I personally guarantee that if you use any of our thought and behavior modification audio programs for 6 months, you'll see measurable improvements in your life, whether it be quitting poor habits, becoming healthier, losing weight, increasing your sales or getting and staying motivated to reach some truly phenomenal goals...

...All of which means having a lot more peace of mind and healthier self-esteem.

But if you're not 100% satisfied at any time 6 months after your purchase, let us know and we'll issue you a no hassles refund immediately upon receiving the return.

No clauses, no conditions - it's as simple as that. This means that your purchase is absolutely risk-free!

We're the ones taking all the risk for you... So, you can't possibly lose, unless you pass this up and don't even try!

If you know what's holding you back, but still can't change, then just check out our online catalog now.


And remember, there are NO subliminal messages on our audios.

You hear every single word on each program. And we even include the full scripts so you can read them any time you want.

Learn what each individual program can do for you in our online catalog the next page... 

I promise you that no matter how successful you may be now or even how hopeless you may feel, you will improve your abilities dramatically if you listen to a Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Program faithfully for 6 months.

In fact, you will be forever changed.

Your partner in change,

Mike Brescia, President
Think Right Now International

P.S. Before you look at the programs,
see what our clients say about Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs

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