As an affiliate partner, you can earn hundreds and maybe thousands in less than 72 hours with less than 30 minutes invested...

Think Right Now! International is an awesome company to work with.

In fact, you may not find a single affiliate program in personal development that's as simple, easy and as financially rewarding as the Think Right Now! affiliate partner program.  Period.

Two primary reasons why, in 2003, became the Internet's #1 busiest personal development product site offering proprietary products are...

1) Our products are effective, so customers come back again and again to order more.

2) does a superb job of getting attention, interest and closing. And we are dedicated to constantly following-up with prospects and customers before and after the order.

Below are the tools you'll have at your disposal to earn money week in and week out, each tool taking from eight to thirty minutes of actual time to implement.


You read it right.

Below are the free tools to help you make it happen...

You'll get click-by-click instructions so clearly worded
that any 10 year old could follow them to start
making money less than 30 minutes from now.


1) "Today Is Your Day To Win" 
The most inspiring book you'll read this year!

Nearly 15% of our book readers order something from us within the first two months of getting the book sent to them...

That's almost 1 out of 6 people.

Man, that's a lot of commissions!! 

This book, given away for free to your subscribers, can earn you a terrific income EVERY SINGLE DAY, day in day out, month in month out.

It could be the greatest online affiliate commission generator in the personal development industry...


8 minutes (with our click-by click instructions) will get this simple sales tool making a solid, predictable income for you every week of the year.

Read what people are saying about TIYDTW

Apply to be an affiliate partner now so you can get the code and the click-by-click instructions.  Once you are an affiliate, you're less than 8 minutes from earning money with this rockin' book.







2) Pre-Written Endorsement Letter

This is an email letter written by Mike Brescia about the products he developed.  It gets clicks and order. The closing ratios from our endorsement letter is 3-5% immediately, and climbs much higher as the new referred visitors get into the opt-in follow-up loop.

This letter ensures your time investment stays small and that your click-through rates and orders are high.

Copy... Paste... Send to your list...

Then watch the orders pour in. Nothing could be faster or easier.

Click here to see why this brings in so many orders so fast.

Apply to be an affiliate partner now so you can grab the letter to send to your list, and be done in less than 30 minutes.  

Then watch as hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars in orders pile up in 72 hours or less.








3) 6-Day TRN Accelerated Success Course

Got another 8 minutes to earn thousands of dollars starting right away... with no more work ever?

As soon as we began using this exit pop-up window to promote the 6-Day Accelerated Success Course last year, our online orders tripled.

Over 5% of 6-Day Course subscribers place an order within 2 weeks of subscribing.

This is a killer sales tool that sells the super busy people and even the slowest of decision makers.  It keeps an informative, entertaining and persuasive presentation in front of them for 6 full days.

It's a powerful automated salesperson that gives the same powerful presentation via email auto-responder to your referred visitors 24 hours a day.

Click here to view the actual pop-under window you can put on your website.  It can be used as a text link as well.  It sucks up subscribers and orders like a magnet.

Apply to be an affiliate partner now so you can get the code and the click-by-click instructions.  So in less than 8 minutes, you can start using this powerful order generator. 

In fact, when you become an affiliate partner, you can immediately read the entire course online, if you like.

With this automated tool, you can be racking up the orders in as little as an hour from now.



4) "Today Is Your Day To Win" content for your ezine

3-5 page chapters from the book, Today Is Your Day To Win.

You've never seen anything that can consistently move people like this ezine.  Mike is a powerfully emotional motivator and coach.

Your Day To Win pre-sells your subscribers and gets them ready to buy by building enormous credibility... You'd be hard pressed to find more powerful, inspiring content for your ezine.

You can re-print them in your ezine or on your site, and link back to us with your affiliate link to create a terrific income.

You'll get a new daily issue emailed to you for publication consideration by subscribing here.

Read what people are saying about TIYDTW

Apply to be an affiliate partner now and get this awesome content for your ezine.



5) Proven Ezine Ads- The same ones we used to build
our traffic when we started online... to become HUGE.

You can put these ads in your own newsletter when you have unsold ad spaces... so instead of getting your paltry, one-time ad rate (or nothing), you earn a whole lot more... through instant sales and ongoing residual monthly sales. Just add your affiliate link and you're off to the bank.
Apply to be an affiliate partner now and start earning commissions minutes after your next ezine issue is sent to your subscribers and customers.


6) New audio product releases every 4-6 weeks...

Think Right Now! Int'l now employs people whose only function is to research new success conditioning products in all areas of life.
This rapid expansion is creating large, stable, reliable income for our partners.  Every few weeks you'll get a new pre-written offer letter to send to your list.

Hey, we want this to be "copy, paste, send" EEEEEEASY.

And so do you, right?

Apply to be an affiliate partner now and get a pre-written endorsement letter to send to your list now.  This could be the easiest money you've ever made.



7) Click-by-click instructions available 24/7

Everything is spelled out in the simplest of language.  The very same minute you become an affiliate, you can begin duplicating even our top affiliates' performance, and earn the same kind of money. 

You don't have to reinvent the wheel, or even learn anything new. Just follow the simple directions, and it will all fall into place, as if by magic.

Apply to be an affiliate partner now As an affiliate, you'll have 24 hour access to our partner training pages where you can get click-by-click instructions so you can start making money within minutes.

8) 30% OFF on everything

It's no secret that the most successful affiliate partners in every industry own what they are promoting.  So we wanted to make it easy for you to own and know what you're promoting. As a partner of Think Right Now! Int'l, even your own orders qualify for a 30% commission on everything you order through your affiliate link.

And on hard goods, 30% is awesome!  Compare that to the 2-10% you'll find all over the 'Net and you'll see TRN! rocks.

Apply to be an affiliate partner now and you'll get your affiliate link sent to you in your affiliate welcome email within a few minutes.



9) On going guidance and support with a personal touch

Our mission in Think Right Now! Partner Relations is to make sure that the partnership of our two companies is successful. So if you email or call, we'll be thrilled to help you with any facet of promoting Think Right Now!
It was passion and focus that made the #1 most popular site of it's kind in the world. That same passionate pursuit of excellence made us sweat every detail to ensure that our business partners are successful.

If you want to talk about an affiliate related issue, just call us at 1-315-436-3057 between 9:00AM and 4:00PM U.S. EST Monday-Friday. We'll help you out in any way we can.

It doesn't get any better or easier than this.

Apply to be an affiliate partner now and start making money by promoting one of the most innovative personal development companies on the planet!